
Kosto single + lyrics

user image 2010-03-09
By: Trakooma
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<p>Hi there, Trakooma's new single "Kosto" has been released for your enjoyment and below are the lyrics to the song both in finnish and in english.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Enjoy!</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; KOSTO<br /> <br />Halveksun sinua, sinun tekoasi<br />Et ole ansainnut, t&auml;t&auml; tehd&auml; minulle&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Nyt aika tullut on !<br /><br />En voi antaa sinun, ket&auml;&auml;n satuttaa<br />En voi antaa sinun, ilmaa hengitt&auml;&auml;<br /><br />Viilt&auml;v&auml; huuto l&auml;p&auml;isee, y&ouml;n hauraan harmonian<br />T&auml;m&auml;n ansaitset, et kuulu joukkoon ihmisten<br /><br />Tuskasi keskelt&auml; huudat minulle, miksi n&auml;in teet <br />En suostuu kuuntelemaan sinua, et ansaitse el&auml;m&auml;&auml;<br /><br />Huutosi tyhjille seinille katoaa, koska kiven raskaan&nbsp; <br />jaloillesi pudotan, kuulen raajan katkeavan <br /><br />Surusi vahvistaa minua<br />Sairas mielesi kohtaa&nbsp; kuoleman<br />Anelet minua lopettamaan<br />En jaksa en&auml;&auml; &auml;&auml;nt&auml;si kuulla<br /><br />Hetken mietin teenk&ouml; oikein<br />Samalla kun pihdeill&auml; <br />kynsi&auml;si irti revin<br />Suolaa haavoille kaadan<br /><br />Syytt&ouml;m&auml;n tapoit!!!<br />Et s&auml; voittaa voi huudat minulle, et tuo rakkaintasi takaisin<br /><br />hetkeksi pys&auml;hdyn<br />yhden ainoan kyyneleen vuodatan<br />kun suru raivoksi taas muuttuu<br />Kielesi poistan suustasi ! <br /><br />Niin kaunista ! <br /><br />En kai voittaa voi enk&auml; haluakkaan haluan vain ett&auml; et voi<br />en&auml;&auml; ket&auml;&auml;n satuttaa ket&auml;&auml;n muuta t&auml;h&auml;n pakottaa<br />pahuutesi ohi on kauhut viattomien loppuneet....</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; REVENGE<br /><br />I despice you, for what you have done<br />you have not deserved to do this to me<br /><br />now the time is here!<br /><br />I can't let you hurt anyone<br />I can't let you breathe the air<br /><br />Piercing scream punctures the silent veil of the night<br />You deserve this, you don't belong amongs the living<br /><br />In your pain you scream why are you doing this?<br />I won't listen to you, you dont deserve to live<br /><br />Your sorrow makes me strong<br />Your sick mind ends on death<br />You beg me to stop<br />Im tired of listening to your voice<br /><br />for a moment i doubt my actions<br />while with the pliers<br />i tear your nails<br />pour sault to your wounds<br /><br />You killed an innocent!!!<br /><br />You can't win, you scream you wont bring your beloved back<br /><br />For a moment i stop<br />i shed one single tear<br />When sorrow turns to rage<br />Ill remove your tongue<br /><br />So beautiful<br /><br />Maby i can't win and i dont want to, i just want that<br />you can't hurt anybody anymore, force others to do as i<br />Your evil is at an end, the terrors of the innocent stopped<br /><br /></p>


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