I guess explanations are overdue. TUI raises questions. My name raises questions. Well let me break it down for you.
What is TUI?
What do they stand for?
Who is Dope Fiend?
Why would anyone in their right mind stick with such a bad name?
What does TUI do?
Who is in TUI?
Why is their art and music the way it is?
Throughout my life I've learned that people operate on their own inferences, stereotypes, prejudgments, and assumptions.
A mental system with defined limits, boundaries, and barracades. These are put up in the form of lessons we learn as children, our natural sense of right and wrong, our settings around us, the people in our lives, and the laws of the land.
What is TUI?
At its heart it is these principals; Artistic Expression, Unity, Equality, Friendship and Brotherhood.
In its inception it was the brainchild of my best friend Eric Valdez. Eric believed that we could change the world with art, and open minds of people who are overburdened with thier own pre-conceptions, likes, and dislikes. Breaking stereotypes became a mission of ours. We had lost our friend Marcus, and we would determine to bind together. We were teenagers. Art binded us together. At the center of TUI was freedom of artistic expression. We chose the name for many reasons. A Tagger is someone who leaves his mark on the world. His passion for Art or Symbolism is stronger than his fear of imprisonment. He has a message to pass, a story that must be told! In his mind expression takes precedent.
There are those taggers who are simply out to deface or vandalize. These people are operating on their own angst, wishing to throw the finger to authorities. They act out and lash out to express their feelings or views. We are not these type of taggers. We don't vandalize, we operate with respect for peoples property. The name may be a misnomer of sorts, but that is what we are about, letting people draw thier own conclusions. TUI is meant to bring people together, not cause division. Under the Influence? The influence of what? Once again it is left open to definition. We are all under the influence of something, whether it be inherent traits we grew with or put on ourselves, things that are presented to us or forced upon us.
The heart of TUI is and always has been to initiate change. To break styereotypes in our minds. To encourage growth. To let people find thier own form of expression.
Is TUI a gang?
No. Never has been never will. TUI is a collection of artists and friends in the Grand Valley who share a passion for Art, and helping people better thier lives and suroundings. Encouraging people to find thier path in life.
TUI started with three people;
Jack the Ripper, Twister, and Dope Fiend.
Provocative names. Meant to lead people to ask questions. Why? Well then people extend themselves out and bare themselves for who they are and what they believe in. TUI is not here to sway people to the right or left. TUI has no agenda. We dont want to encourage people to turn to vices, but rather break free of them. An open mind is a hot air balloon rising up. the blue sky is a true heart. We weigh ourselves down with burdens, preconceptions, stereotypes, rules, religion, regulations, the list goes on and on.The balloon's true nature is to rise, to the sky, to God. To be free, truly free!
TUI is about letting it go.
TUI is about being free.
TUI is about creation.
TUI is about expression.
TUI will push you to your limits.
TUI will help you find your self, your true self, not all that other stuff that clouds our minds.
This is TUI
Eric Valdez {Jack the Ripper} Died in 2001 as a victim of Racial Hate. Since then TUI's primary mission is to counteract that ultimate act of hate. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
We are the opposite reaction.