Twank Whelan
Song Lyrics
Don’t you CialisLevitra to explain to youViagra goin’ on like that?There somethin’ you want me to do?Let’s doI ain’t dead yetWhere’s my pills?Well I ain’t...
Song Information
An old tune about getting old...recorded 11 years ago. Randy Perryman on drums, Michael Round on lead guitar, I'm playing rhythm and bass. The only tune...
Hi Dave.
Love the full throttle start of the song... It feels like one is heading for the cliff and rather than pressing on the brakes they hit the accelerator! Maybe that's what it's like for you the older you get?
Really enjoyed it my friend
some cool guitar play on this, drop d sounds good,
you`re right- the only tune...
Cool as all get out to these ole ears! lol! This is the djc I know you from. Raw and real and raunchy as it gets!