
Out of Time (Rayon Vert 2022)

album: TBD
genre: Classic Rock
streams: 81
creation date: 2022-03-12

  Song Lyrics
Out of Time (Farrell Jackson © 02-28-22) We started off the world as our oyster. Without a worry and no end in sight. We are just the...
  Song Information
A new Rayon Vert classic rocker - Out of Time. Credits: Farrell Jackson - lyric, melody and all vocals. Doctor C - All keyboards. Gary Carciello - All...
Out of Time (Rayon Vert 2022)
Farrell Jackson
03/15/22 10:35:27AM @farrell-jackson:
Thanks for the listens and kind words of encouragement everyone!
@lorne-reid, @twank-whelan, @tristynleach, and cuz Ron @ronbowes.

Farrell for Rayon Vert

03/15/22 07:39:59AM @ronbowes:
Great track guys! But then all RV tracks are great! Cool little flourishes and cool lyric. Nice one guys.
03/15/22 06:00:38AM @tristynleach:
epic track love the keys and changes . good luck with it
Twank Whelan
03/13/22 07:36:45PM @twank-whelan:
Sounds great fellas! Talented crew, particularly like that keyboard wizard :)
03/13/22 05:35:32PM @lorne-reid:
You guys keep comin with the awesome tunes! Always a great RV listen.
Farrell Jackson
03/13/22 05:29:01PM @farrell-jackson:
Thanks a million Tony! @tony-cee

Farrell for Rayon Vert

tony cee
03/13/22 04:57:46PM @tony-cee:
another great rockin tune farrell and band , great sound love you voice farrell .....cheers tony cee


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