Twank Whelan
Song Lyrics
I sailed through a tempestLost and tossed upon your shoreHungry and friendlessI couldn’t have needed you moreYou approached and showed your weaponsBut then...
Song Information
Virgil wrote a fascinating tale, had to turn part of it into a song. James Oakwood all performances and production, my lyric and vocals. My original's here...
Totally awesome!!! Loved it!!! In my playlist! Thank you!
Awesome Jazz guitar and back alley vocals!!! Nice feel and vibe!! Thank you! It;s in my playlist!!!
A jazzy good song- more of this;-)
One of my favorites Dave. I often wonder what ever happened to Oakwood.
One of your best lyrics
A cool bit of jazziness here Twank and crew! The keys add a nice touch to the production. Great words and vocal David!
Yes, the classics! You wrote a helluva lyric here, David. Love the jazzy accompaniment.