
Category: Behind The Mask

About Me The composer/Producer

By wolfgang, 2009-11-08

<p>Hello Everyone, My real name is William, but I am most known as&nbsp;Wolfgang- which was pinned to me many, many years ago- by fellow friends and musicians through my years as a composer and keyboardist. The name really refers to "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" because of my abilities as a keyboardist/ composer,as well as &nbsp;to create music on the spot.&nbsp;Also my technical abilities as a keyboardist- because of my classical training and background. I am formally trained as a classical pianist.I have studied at the Berkley college of music in Boston,I have been playing the piano/keyboards since the age of 3. I come from a long generation&nbsp;of piano players on my fathers side of the family,My father taught me on his lap, his father taught him,my great grand mother played the piano for silent movies in the 1920's-etc...and so on. I was fortunate enough to have my father raise me in the 1970's,&nbsp;because he was heavily involved with rock bands, and they always got together at our house to practice when I was a child.The musicians left there instruments at our house&nbsp;:) and I tingled with all of them - from the drums to the guitars to the sax etc... my primary instrument of course is the keyboard.My father had&nbsp; an acoustic piano, a fender Rhodes electric piano, and a Hammond B3 organ with rotary speakers. I practiced on all of these during my childhood. and I wish I still had these instruments to this day lol- but as I was growing up in the 80's-I discovered&nbsp;synthesizers- and I was Hooked!- I got me a job and worked my butt off to buy the latest synths at that time. I ended up with over a dozen synthesizers and a sampler by 1994. and built my first analog recording studio in my home, when DAT recorders were out in the early 90's- I was the first one to buy it lol. But there came a time in my life when I was out of the music scene for a very long time. I was not involved with the advancing technology&nbsp; of computers, because I could not afford one at that time. I purchased my first PC in 2004.&nbsp; I did not know of any software for music programs at that time because it was all new to me. My PC actually broke after having it for about 6 months, and I did not have the cash to fix it or replace it because I was raising a family and it didn't fit my budget at the time. it took another 3 years until I bought a new pc in 2006, and discovered new musical software on the internet that made my 1990's setup obsolete. but I still needed to learn how use that software because it was all new to me. I consider 2007 as my rebirth period as a&nbsp;modern musician!.&nbsp;I am now, at the point in my life, that I am very&nbsp;comfortable to&nbsp;produce any music that I hear in my head, and record it&nbsp;the way I want with ease. I have actually begun purchasing&nbsp;old anolog and digital synthesizers from the eighties and 90's again, to rebuild my current studio into the one I wanted from my youth , only 1000x better. You will hear vintage syths from that time period on all my tracks.&nbsp;</p>