

Bilbozo Guitar Instrumental - Remember me (Recuerdame)

<p><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #ffcc00; font-size: small;">Wow ! It's been a while since I did something since I had bummed up my shoulder last month. I was getting tire of being a one-armed bandit !</span></strong><br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #ffcc00; font-size: small;">Remember Me ( Recuerdame ) is a guitar rock instrumental track that is based on the&nbsp;progression by the latin love song by&nbsp;la Quinto Estacion. I played all the instruments (except drums) love and layed out the music beds and changed the progression and tempo a bit to make it interesting. A real&nbsp;heart-wrenching&nbsp;tune in the key of E Minor Mixolydian and Penatonic. Features, some electric guitar, acoustic flamenco, piano and strings.</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #ffcc00; font-size: small;">I am trying to get back up to speed with playing, picking and bending again without making funny painul faces. This was great&nbsp;therapy to get the arm back into shape. It's not perfect, and I think I still need to practice the sqeaky arm. But I'm&nbsp;SO glad to be back making music again ! Time to get on some collabs too...Woohoo</span></strong><br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #ffcc00; font-size: small;">I hope you all like it and please feel free to leave any comments. Cheers, love, peace and music. - Bilbozo</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;"><a href=""></a></span></strong></p>

Posted in: Bilbozo | 0 comments

One Armed Bilbozo - Bummer

By Bilbozo, 2011-03-01
One Armed Bilbozo - Bummer

<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong><span style="color: #ffcc00;">Well.. It's curtains for me. I took a nasty spill on some ice over the weekend going down my steep driveway and ripped all the ligaments in my shoulder. Doc says I am out of commission with the guitar for at least a month maybe even two. For me that's too long. I just wanted to hear if anyone has any suggestions on how I can keep producing music. I can kind of play keys a bit and run software but the guitar is out of the question. I tried it today and I was screaming in pain.&nbsp; </span></strong></span><br /><br /><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong><span style="color: #ffcc00;">I just feel pretty empty without my main instrument. But I know it's best not to try and push it, proper healing takes time. Two months seems to come as a shock.&nbsp; Who knows, maybe you may hear me make some Dubstep, Trance or Dance in FL Studio or something like that. LOL.</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong><span style="color: #ffcc00;">OR perhaps I can do something like this guys does...incredible !&nbsp; <a href=&quotHuman Guitar style="font-size: medium;"><strong><span style="color: #ffcc00;">I really want to continue so any advice would be awesome.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks guys - Bilbozo ( Now known temporarily as "Lefty)</span></strong></span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Posted in: Bilbozo | 20 comments

Rest in Peace Gary Moore

By Bilbozo, 2011-02-06

<p><span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;"><strong><img style="margin: 8px; float: left;" src="" alt="" width="250" height="375" />I just heard the news about the early passing of one of the biggest guitar influences who ever graced six strings, legend Gary Moore who passed on Feb 6 . The man who played with such soul and heart. I am so crushed to hear he left us so early. Gary was one of the biggest reasons I picked up guitar. Most importantly he showed&nbsp;everyone that a guitar was an extension of your soul, and pulled every note out of his heart. We Still Got the Blues for You.... more than ever now that you are gone. Goodbye Gary and Godspeed. Until we all meet again</strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;"><strong><a href=&quotGary Moore - The Boys Are Back In Town (One Night In Dublin) style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;"><strong>I could never do Gary justice in any way, but here is my humble and modest tribute to what he all gave us.&nbsp; One of the first songs I&nbsp;tryed to record &nbsp;in 2004.&nbsp; Parisienne Walkways by Gary Moore (R.I.P.)</strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;"><strong><a href=""></a></strong></span></p>

Posted in: Bilbozo | 14 comments

Happy Birthday Angela Smith

By Bilbozo, 2011-01-29

<h1><img style="margin: 9px; float: left;" src="" alt="" width="317" height="438" /></h1><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h1><span style="font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #ff99cc;">From all your friends at Mixposure and your biggest fan.&nbsp; Love Daddy</span></h1><h1><span style="font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #ff99cc;"><a href=""></a></span></h1>

Posted in: Angela | 12 comments

Merry Christmas All !

By Bilbozo, 2012-12-22
Merry Christmas All !

<p><span style="color: #ff9900; font-size: large;">Merry Christmas everyone.&nbsp; Thank you for another great year of Indie Music !&nbsp; Looking forward to hearing more hits in 2013!</span></p><p><span style="color: #ff9900; font-size: large;">Bill "Bilbozo" Smith</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Posted in: Bilbozo | 1 comments


By Bilbozo, 2010-11-08

<div style="margin: 10px 0px 20px;"><p><strong><span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: small;">I had the honor and pleasure to do another song with the "Wonder from Down Under" PlanetJazzBass. I love his fusion based playing and it was begging to play on this orchestrial Fusion Track. This is a Blend of Symphonic, Fusion and Rock. Some experimentation made this one real fun. You get new software VSTi's and you feel like a kid in a candy store! Thanks for listening and comments always welcome. - Bilbozo</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: small;"><a href=""></a></span></strong></p></div>

Posted in: New Song | 5 comments
Chacha Pon (Collaboration with Bilbozo & Joseph Rodriguez)

<p><img src="" alt="" width="400" height="326" /></p><p>Another collaboration with fellow guitarist Joseph Rodriguez. The song is based on a dance club beat mixed with lots of precussion. Latin flavors with lots of shared guitar work, horns and strings making this a groove based crossover of rock, latin and funk. Thank you to Joseph, mi hermano, for another honor to play with such a great friend and musician.&nbsp; Gracias compadre. Comments always welcome.&nbsp; Cheers and love, peace &amp; music ! - Bilbozo</p><p><a href=""></a></p>

Posted in: New Song | 1 comments

<p><span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;"><img style="margin: 8px; float: left;" src="" alt="" width="225" height="311" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;">FELIZ NAVIDAD ! <br /></span><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;">Angela's second song ! It's always fun to spend time with my daughter in the studio...we have a blast recording together.&nbsp; She wanted to get in the festive mood of Christmas and sing Jose Feliciano's "Feliz Navidad" in both Spanish and English.&nbsp; She hopes you really enjoy it and says that comments are always welcome.&nbsp;&nbsp;She blows everyone a kiss and wishes all the Mixposure DJ's and artists a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! - Bill &amp; Angela Smith</span></p><p><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;"><a href=""></a></span></p>

Posted in: Angela | 4 comments
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