
New Release by The TrueVulgarians, "Because of You"

We're happy to announce the release of our latest song, "Because of You".  Words and music by Bill Thompson who performed all guitar parts and sang lead vocal.  Bill also did all production and arrangement.  Jacki Grapentine on harmony vocal.  We hope you enjoy it!

Subscription Changes

By Admin, 2015-11-03

As most of you know we switched servers awhile ago and we were able save some money off of our monthly fees. We also added a lot more storage space. With that in mind, I wanted to revamp the Mixposure Subscription Rates. I wanted to get rid of a lot of the plans and just make it simple for everyone. 

For the most part, we really have two subscriptions now. Mixposure 100  and the Mixposure 250 . The price for these will be 24.99 a year and 49.95 a year. As you can guess, the number is how many songs you can add. I have already moved pretty much everyone into these quotas so you should now have the ability to add a lot more songs. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Posted in: News | 5 comments

Outage Today

By Admin, 2015-11-02
Apologies for the downtime today. Our host had a fiber cut. Surprisingly the site came back up faster than I had anticipated.

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hooyoosay: “The Wrong Kind Of People” may be their strongest release yet, song for song!

In an era where artists are categorized into a million and one genres and twice as many sub-genres, along come hooyoosay. What exactly do you call them? Part of the magic of this band is that you can’t label them with anything that exists at this time – they’re far too retro… or far too futuristic, depending on which side of the timeline your tastes are coming from.

So who would enjoy this band right now? Well, probably “The Wrong Kind Of People”, which is also the ironic title of their latest 4-track EP,  and described on one of the band’s webpages as: “The overall vibe is feelgood and fun, the word “wrong” merely being ironic, for the message simply is that nothing is wrong, on the contrary all is absolutely fine.”

Lyrically hooyoosay speaks to our times, it concerns itself with how we treat this rock we call home, and how we value each other each day. Musically the band just keeps getting better and more complex. With the combination of great lyrics and great musicians writing together how could you go wrong?

This may be their strongest release yet, song for song. There are no dead spots. And they don’t even need to push the envelope or 'experiment with new sounds'. They continue to please their fans and acquire new fans along their musical journey, just doing what they do, because they do it so well. It’s very refreshing to witness this band staying true to their form and genre.

You could listen to “The Wrong Kind Of People” today, in 10 years’ time, or you could have listened to it 30 years ago already. This is exactly how it does, would have, or will sound… always. hooyoosay have a timeless sound, like the Beach Boys or the Mamas and Papas – clear-cut folk-pop sensibilities and lush harmonies… with a twist. And when I say twist, I also mean tango… because that is how far they stretch their rhythms on the instrumental “Illusionist at work”.

But it is the title track, “The wrong kind of people”, together with “The right kind of friend”, that forge their invigorating, take-no-prisoners blast of chirpy creativity into the tired and dull pop wasteland. hooyoosay refuses to accept the boundaries or mainstream constraints of fossilized genre music. They just manage to sound as great as everything that’s come before and nothing that’s out there now. And that’s a mean feat in itself.

Clean, vintage sounds and beautiful melodies, without any pretentiousness, are hard to come by today. If you’ve never heard of hooyoosay, or you’ve never listened to their music, you are missing out. I strongly suggest you give “The Wrong Kind Of People” a try.

By Rick Jamm, Jamsphere, October 2015.

Original online publication:

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

Welcome to Mixposure

By Admin, 2015-10-18

Thank you for checking us out on Mixposure. This is a free community so please hang out and listen to some great tunes! If you have any questions, just ask!!

Posted in: Welcome | 0 comments

halloween album :- death creeper

By elektronz, 2015-10-12
halloween album :- death creeper

well ive completed my album compliation for this year ...18 tracks of spooky goings on plus a special bonus track because i like you all :) ,enjoy ,and thankyou :)

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One Tank of Gas

By Farrell Jackson, 2015-10-10
One Tank of Gas

Cooter sent me a private message while in the chat room at Mixposure Radio to see if I was interested in creating music for some words he had. The lyric was excellent so I went to work on the music. The song started to grow from there. As it progressed I realized it needed some help from musical friends  to reach the full potential I was hearing my head. David C. Deal did some fantastic work on the cello, violins, organ and piano. Buddrumming recording the perfect drum track and created a nice poster ad for it. The song is now complete and time to post up. A great collaboration and a huge thank you to all involved!

Farrell and Cooter

New Video Release

By miraclemaker, 2015-10-10
New Video Release

Watch our latest Video "Still You Wonder Why" from our New CD Invisible. 
You can Download it on iTunes and everywhere!

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

Chat Room - Mobile Edition

By Admin, 2015-09-27

There have been a few people who have mentioned wanting a mobile version of the chat room so I had some time today to set this in motion. There are still a few things I am working on but so far it seems functional. Please test it out and let me know if there an any issues. 

I am seeing issues with landscape mode and a few other minor issues. We will get those hammered out.

Posted in: News | 3 comments

halloween album 2015

By elektronz, 2015-09-22
halloween album 2015

music wise probably my favourite time of the year :D  so as a treat im going to upload every horror /halloween based tune that i have done into one album  ...i hope you enjoy ...


sie :D

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