
Losing Another

user image 2015-12-05
By: Admin
Posted in: News

Hate reading about Musicians dying and Scott Weiland probably was long overdue to cross the line. He had a long history with drug addiction. Ashame that so many fall into this trap. Thanks for the music Scott!


12/13/15 01:07:32PM @admin:
nicely said @selene.
12/07/15 11:29:38AM @selene:
While this is sad, it is also a harsh reality. The most we can do is take this loss as it is and try to remember there are more things worth looking forward to than an addiction. We can all overcome personal issues, and look in to finding help. That being said if ANYONE has a need artist, DJ or listener...There is always an ear open to help get you the help you need. Prayers for his family


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