Just wanted to apologize for the down time everyone. Our server indicated we needed a reboot and after the restart, it kind of went the way of the dodo bird. After playing with it for a day we just decided it was better to get a new server up and transfer the data over which only took a few hours. The only casualty right now appears to be the radio station and we will get that up and running asap.
Thanks for hanging in there with us!!
Chabane's Records ' new release:
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Article about Mixposure appearing in my hometown newspaper, the Defiance Crescent-News:
Talking about change of time with local musician
Perhaps one of the best things
about writing and recording
music is the ability to capture a
sign of the times, immortalizing
it forever within a snapshot of
creative effort
and release.
But what makes
it even better is a
situation where
lyrics tell a tale
of prophecy that
only grows more
poignant with
Take Bob
Dylan, for example.
When he ever so epically
announced to the world “The
Times They Are a-Changin’”
back in the mid-1960s, the rambling
king of cultural observation
captured the flow of an entire
generation hinged on the cusp of
eminent change.
Fifty years later, while illuminating
an entirely different
societal climate, the ebb and flow
of the world is still so perfectly
depicted by the words etched
into history five decades ago
at Studio A in New York City.
And since musical messages
ultimately find their final resting
place within the perception of
the listener, they can apply to an
endless array of situations.
Which brings me to the context
of this week’s column.
There was a time in a not
so distant past when the only
method of preserving music for
eternity was to hit the studio
and make it happen. Solo, with
a band, collaborations — it all
went to tape and was typically,
take by arduous take, hammered
out in the same room.
But, oh, how times have
changed again in ways I doubt
even Bob Dylan could have seen
coming, especially when it comes
to recording with like-minded
individuals who may never even
meet each other in person.
With the inception of the
technological explosion, musical
community sites such as
Mixposure (www.mixposure.
com) have opened a worldwide
door for musicians to connect
with one another, also offering
a promotional smorgasbord of
management, labels, comedians,
listeners and DJs.
Or as longtime local bass and
guitar instructor Dave Coonrod
explained it, “A one-stop site
for pretty much everything you
could want out of music resources.”
While Mixposure is just one
of countless sites of its kind on
the musical webscape, it is one
Coonrod has certainly made the
most of. A frequent collaborator
with renowned keyboardist
and area psychologist Dr. David
C. Deal — notably in the live
Christmas season project Siberian
Solstice — Mixposure has provided
a convenient opportunity
for both to compose with other
musicians from around the
And it’s all done from the comfort
of home, or wherever comfort
happens to find you.
“The main advantage of a collaboration
site such as this is the
availability of musicians and
genres that extend the local talent
pool,” said Coonrod, who
splits time teaching bass and
guitar between Tri State Music
in Bryan and Defiance College.
“I have done recordings online
with people that I have never
met face-to-face from as far away
as England and as close as south
Defiance. I’m currently working
on a project from a guy from
How can this be possible? It’s
actually remarkably simple … at
least, the sharing process is.
A recorded riff or idea can
be uploaded to file sharing
sites such as Dropbox (www., where another
awaiting musician can access it,
add another element and fire it
right back. This can be bounced
around to an unlimited number
of players on any given project.
When all the pieces are in place
and the final mix is applied,
the song or project can be
uploaded for review, sale or a
mere listen to the entire world
via Mixposure’s host of Internet
radio connections in addition to
the site itself.
The best part for aspiring talent
is that all you need is a computer,
an interface and the proper
recording software to have endless
creative possibilities literally
at your fingertips.
“I don’t always record at home,
either,” Coonrod explained.
“When I am away on vacation
all I need is my laptop, a pair of
headphones and my guitar. All
of this made possible by building
upon contacts made on the
Mixposure website.”
For a smooth taste of what
it’s really all about, search
Mixposure for Coonrod’s musical
work under his “Fender Bender”
profile, and also open your ears
to his rich bass tone complimenting
Deal’s heady keys on the
David C. Deal profile.
And as always, support our
vast community of immensely
talented local musicians.
Stay in tune.
(Contact Kevin Eis by email: keis@; or on Twitter: @
Just wanted to extend a Happy Easter greeting to all my friends and fans here at Mixposure! Hope everyone finds their Easter basket!
it's funk...with maybe some iinteresting guitar work doin it...cuss
next time maybe..ha ha
Congrats to Trevor Sewell for having the Song of the Week! Amazing musician! Please check out the tune below!!
Breaking News: Feb 7th 2014 Lovitz Theatre Universal Walk, Hollywood - Trevor Sewell wins The Best Blues Artist Award in the Artists In Music Awards for the second year running and also gains honourable mention in the Producer Of The Year category.
Winner in the Hollywood Music in Media Awards 2011, Runner up in the British Blues Awards 2012 and winner of The Artists in Music Award for Best Blues Artist 2013 in Los Angeles. November 2013 saw Trevor return to America for a string of live shows, radio sessions and on the very day that his second album ‘Independence’ was released once again pick up the ‘Best Blues’ award at the highly prestigious Hollywood Music In Media Awards held in the lavish Henry Fonda Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard with his song ‘The Train’. The past two years have seen Sewell continue to go from strength to strength as his fan base continues to grow particularly in America where his debut album 'Calling Your Name' spent a staggering 7 weeks at number one on the American Blues Scene Chart.
A recent return to his roots has seen him widely recognised as one of the great emerging British guitar talents currently riding the wave of New British Blues gaining popularity
in the U.S.A. (source Artists In Music Official Programme).
Legendary Producer/Engineer Stuart Epps (Led Zep, Elton John, Bill Wyman) had this to say:
"I've only just met this brilliant musician but I can tell you he is the real thing. Heart felt, passionate and truly excellent rock/blues guitar playing and singing. Comparable with some of the greats I've had the pleasure to work with. Two of them called Lee, Albert Lee and Alvin Lee.
"Trevor is in my opinion from the same mould he gives rock/blues a new boost. You've just got to love it!!!"
The Trevor Sewell Band are:
Trevor Sewell - Lead Guitar and Lead Vocals
Brian Emerson - Bass Guitar
Steve Vine – Drums
Trevor was recently inducted to the American Heritage Blues Hall of Fame in the very same category as some rather better known artists such as Tommy Castro and Joe Bonammassa.
STOP PRESS: Trevor has once again been shortlisted for the Artists In Music 2014 ceremony where he is in the final 5 nominees (Best Blues) – The ceremony will take place at The John Lovitz Theatre at Universal in N. Hollywood on Feb 7th 2014 where he has also received an honorable mention in the category ‘Producer of the year’.
hello all ive not blogged here for a long long time ,,,my medication has blog blocker qualities of an extreme so ive had to ease up on them to break through and vent my spleen ...the fact im not sure about venting an organ thats encased in my inner sanctum really does feel like a good way to start this little tome ....anyhoo im here and just want to say hello to everyone who knows me .....hi .... ... and to those who dont know me but are curious about how i rumble around these dark halls and passageways of mix mansion ... hi ..
... before i burst open and sally forth into my otherworldly natterings ...a bit about me ...ok im from a small archepelago of the coast of europe called the uk ...i reside in a small encompassment namely man of chester ...and i am an entity unbeknown to the masses of mix mansion who dabbles in the dark arts called electronica ...oh yes art of such severe darkness it can induce loss of balance and basic imobilisation to such an extent that even as an avid exponent of such ongoings even i have trouble maintaining an x-y stance ....!!! i dabble mostly on man made machinery of mulitplicital sonicary and texturisationoral output ....(waits .....waits ......waits ) and always vow that i produce and not perform .... in the past ive spoken of utter admiration for the guys and gals on here who simply rock the airwaves of mixland and to be part of that clique is honourable and (slides out of elegant mode for a sec) bloody awesome !!!! (slides back up to elegant chat and conversational confidence) continuing on all the newcomers here ...a warm and hearty welcome from an old timer who has etched out his place in the mix as overtly weird and out on his own ...i do my thing and i do it well maybe not central city or user friendly but its my centralica and my friendly userness .. hmmm ...anyway this is simply a nod to the masses to say that i nod well and massivley too ...hmmm where am i going with this ..? what im saying is dont be afraid to branch out from the huned sound of the guitar ,bass and drums that echo throuought these hallowed archways and that door that always bloody squeaks (has nobody sorted it out yet ,,so dam annoying ,and its next to the toilets as well ..scary shit when your taking one and that door goes ) ...i digress brave and bold in your charge to forge a name and character whence you pass through the main gate and take residence in your room of sound and light ...oh can someone get me a spare key for my room ..cant find mine and ive left one of me hard drives switched on know the one that overheats and then splutters then dies ...yeh that one ..and hurry up ive got some samples i need to copy over to the new one ive just bought .....i digress once more end i shall say this only once .....this only once !!!!
Well I hate to be back and forth on stuff but I think I have finally ditched the old forum and went back to the integrated forum . The login issues were just too much. While I hate to lose over 100k posts, I would rather start over than deal with users not being able to access the forum. The old forum is still up and can be accessed by going to . I removed all of the code that linked it to Mixposure so you can reset your password in the forum if you ever want to go in there.
You will also notice on the main page, I moved the premium blogs out to the forefront. While that does make the main page a bit longer, since you guys are supporting the site I wanted to give you more visability. As a reminder, please remain respectful with what you post. While I know there are many similar sites like Mixposure, I can guarantee you they will not let you advertise Mixposure on their main page. We kind of have the same thinking . If you want to link to MusiciansFriend I am all for it, Just please refrain from Visit me at I thank you in advance,
PETE TEBAR & I just finished our Newest song Collaboration Titled "CANT FIND THE WORD'S", And we'd love for you to stop by and check it out. Maybe leave a few words letting us know what you think of it. Pete put a lot of Heart & time into it. We hope you like it. Thank you so much for listening.
All The Best,
LP, Linda
The TrueVulgarians are pleased to announce the release of their latest song, "The Man Inside of Me". It's an introspective journey by a singer/songwriter who's just tryin' to figure it all out. (Good luck with that!) Hope you guys all enjoy it!