
Same Song Title Madness - Need Song Title Suggestions

user image 2014-05-02
By: Admin
Posted in: News

It looks like we will be going with a Same Song Title Madness for the next Site Tune. What we need now is some song titles. Please post some song titles and then we can vote for one. 

Some things to keep in mind. When suggestion titles like "My Girl Just Left Me And Took My Life Savings and the Dog" might be fun, but it is also very difficult to write around a long title. Smaller titles will work best that leave it open to all genres.

So what title would you suggest?

Sam Houston
05/12/14 08:13:25PM @sam-houston:
Title for the site??
05/09/14 05:18:08AM @elektronz:
dam i missed out on some namey stuff ...oh well on the subs bench ,,,hows about ...i stubbed my toe on the porch step ,,or sweat glands my stinky friend you have ,,or watch out mother the turkey shoots back on ...or how about that classic old number ,,she wore red leather and a snorkel painted blue ...oo or what about ..dont tell me pa`s drunk again ive just shot the last chicken with my 45 ,,or even and im not sure about this one beer your drinking to much beer fall over and roll downb the road !!! man i love that tune ,,,its a waltz in 33/4 time ...bloody hard to dance to but when your drunk ,,you can dance to almost anything ...and last but not least ...grandpas socks are killing me ,,take em from round my neck and hang em out to dry ...any of them you can use ,,i wont charge :D ta ra :D
05/08/14 09:18:38PM @admin:
Poll is up!
05/07/14 09:27:27PM @dazed:
Ok no more suggestions after this post! I will get these added to a poll and we can vote on a winner.
05/06/14 05:36:53PM @vig-wig:
20. Alligator Boots
21. Snow on the Roses

Farrell Jackson
05/06/14 10:40:34AM @farrell-jackson:
Justin Time
05/06/14 01:26:33AM @vig-wig:
13. Amber Alert - Last Seen in My Arms
14. Heart to Heart Combat
15. Speed Dial Blues
16. Yugo Girl

05/05/14 10:15:48PM @gene-smith:
Flight to nowhere
Calling your name

05/04/14 10:19:51PM @admin:
keep them coming all!
05/03/14 05:46:11PM @the-truevulgarians:
3. Addled Brain
4. Too Smart for You

05/03/14 04:23:09PM @gene-smith:
1. Voice in the distance
2. The looking glass


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