Well, I made a really silly. stupid mistake and accidentally deleted all the songs from my new album. I was trying to make an album that folks could buy and still be able to stream and I screwed the pooch like a rank rookie.
I have re-uploaded the songs, but I lost all the really kind reviews you folks did and for that I am extremely sorry and upset.
Anyway, the songs are back up, I hope you like them. Just call me DUMMY!
Thank you for being a part of Mixposure everyone! We hope you all have a great day and are enjoying some family time with your loved ones. That could be a brother, sister your children or maybe Les Paul, Leo Fender or Paul Reed Smith's direct descendants. Family with guitars.
The Mixposure Team
Check out a couple of my Blues songs, "These Blues I'm Feelin" & "Blue G"
"These Blues I'm Feelin" was written in 1971 & updated in 2012
Still have the live version of the song on tape from 1971. Of course it's nothing like the updated version.
Thanx for listening
Well, you folks said such kind things about the throw away lyrics I had on the demo I decided to go ahead and finish the song with that theme. I kinda polished up a few things and redid the vocal, but this may not (probably not) be the final mix.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words and listens!!
I hope you enjoy it!!
The Grim Reaper was written over 20 years ago & is non digital low Fi.
Are you ready for the Grim Reaper people!
This is a Mixposure exclusive.
I won't be posting this anywhere else, I just wanted to let you all have a laugh.
It's a "wip", the music is from a tune I've been working on, but the vocal isn't what will be on the final song. Not even close. They're just an idea I had that I scrapped but I recorded them as a "scratch" vocal for the other players. They're silly and probably politically incorrect in some places, and the phrasing is terrible (first take) but I thought they might give someone a giggle.
This is all first takes, no effects except what was recorded on the takes. I DID reverse the guitar solo on the end just for fun.
The "song" at the very end is an idea I've been working on but haven't filled out, the title is obvious once you listen to it. The "dialogue" is me being bored and silly.
Hope you like it in some way!
Vampire is a low fi Halloween song about what Vampires do. Written 20 years ago. Check it out.
Vampire thanks you for listening.
Well it is that time of year again! I have lost track of how many years we have done this but suffice it to say, it has been over 12 years. Every Halloween we have done a Mixposure Halloween Tune. What is it? This is your chance to make the spookiest song you can create. It can be comical, serious or whatever you like. Add vocals or do not! In other words, do what you want! This is also a great time to work with other Mixposure Artists. When you are done with your song, add it to your Artist page and use a genre of "Halloween 2018" so we can track all songs.
All songs will be played on MixStream Radio during the Halloween Show. Please post any questions you have.
For Gene Smith aka Daddy Rabbit who loved his Breedlove.
I am like a tree,
I start as a seed with not an inkling of what the sun appears to be or the passage of time. But I do know in that kernel that lies at my core that there is something that I must strive for, something I MUST reach.
Through soil, brick, concrete it doesn't matter I will find a way to reach it and when I do it's golden rays empower me with a newfound energy. I burst forth, uncurl my fronds and grow toward the light that calls me.
I stand tall and grow with each passing of the seasons, I weather storms learning when to stand strong and when to bend with the wind. I stand in the forest for a century and watch some of my brothers and sisters fall and some flourish. Then I fall...
The final fall, broken into pieces, my heartwood laid bare to the world. But then I feel hands lovingly touching the brokens pieces, a soft touch sanding the rough edges, making gentle cuts and I realize that my sacrifice will give many shelter and warmth where needed, provide a safe place for a child to sleep, and make music that touches many hearts and souls for centuries to come.
And it all was because of a humble carpenter and his Father.
I am like a tree.