Category: Site Collaborations
Ron Bowes, Carol Sue & I are pleased to announce our New song collaboration "Tell Me"
We'd be really happy if you could take a couple moments of your time to listen & let us know what you think. We hope you enjoy
Thank you in advance https://www.mixposure.com/lyrical-princess/audio/26147/tell-me
Linda (AKA Lyrical Princess)
Saturated and I are pleased to announce the completion of our New song collaboration, "When Karma Catches You".
We hope that you will take a few moments of your time to listen. Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.
Thank you,
Lyrical Princess
Heart of Stone
Featuring Brian Brooks & Mach
We are all very proud to announce our New song "Heart of Stone". As many of you already know, Brian Brooks & Mach are very well known for their profound musicianship. The music was Brilliantly written to accomodate my lyrics. Between Brians extraordinary vocals and Machs' astounding playing, this song is (IMO) , a remarkable success :)
With that being said, we would all appreciate it so much if you would take a few moments of your day or night, to listen and let us know what you think ...
We hope you'll enjoy. http://www.mixposure.com/lyrical-princess/audio/19639/heart-of-stone
All The Best,
LP, Brian & Mach
Brian Brooks, better known as (Mister B) and I, Linda Fry, Better known around Mixposure as the Lyrical Princess (LP), would like to introduce the birth of our Newest song "Angel". Brian's work is simply Amazing & what he's done with my lyrics has totally blown me away. I was in total awe, and left speechless after my first listen.
I wrote the lyrics
Brian is the Master behind everything else
We would both really appreciate it if you would take a few moments of your time to listen, and maybe leave your thoughts.
We are so proud of this song & we hope you'll enjoy it as well.
Thank you so much for your time,
You can find it on my page too.. Just look up Lyrical Princess :D
Linda (LP) and Brian
It has been with great pleasure and a true honor to work with the very talented Brian Brooks on our first collaboration.
His musicianship truly amazes me. "Ashes" was co-written between the two of us. Believe me when I say, he did my words a world of justice by adding some of his own words.
vocals, music & production by Brian Brooks
We are very excited to announce our New song & hope that you will take just a few moments of your time to listen . Please let us know what you think..
We hope you Enjoy!!
Thank you,
Linda and Brian
PETE TEBAR & I just finished our Newest song Collaboration Titled "CANT FIND THE WORD'S", And we'd love for you to stop by and check it out. Maybe leave a few words letting us know what you think of it. Pete put a lot of Heart & time into it. We hope you like it. Thank you so much for listening.
All The Best,
LP, Linda