New Collaboration Featuring "Brian Brooks & Mach"
Heart of Stone
Featuring Brian Brooks & Mach
We are all very proud to announce our New song "Heart of Stone". As many of you already know, Brian Brooks & Mach are very well known for their profound musicianship. The music was Brilliantly written to accomodate my lyrics. Between Brians extraordinary vocals and Machs' astounding playing, this song is (IMO) , a remarkable success :)
With that being said, we would all appreciate it so much if you would take a few moments of your day or night, to listen and let us know what you think ...
We hope you'll enjoy. http://www.mixposure.com/lyrical-princess/audio/19639/heart-of-stone
All The Best,
LP, Brian & Mach
Terrific....collab .. , by all. Fantastic lyrics....amazing musicianship
by Mach and Brian. The harmonies are brilliant. Superb work by all .. BRAVO
***** :D