
Lynda Law uk white soul singer

By Lynda Law, 2014-03-06
Lynda Law uk white soul singer

Lynda Law is the no1 white uk soul singer, undisputable talent, unsigned,

Posted in: Music | 1 comments

back again...

By Milo, 2014-03-06
back again...

G'day , 

Well, been a while but think I am back, sort of.

Over the last few years I had taken a break from music, while looking after my eldery father

who unfortunatly now has passed away over christmas , he got  to 90 which was good.

Thankfully music has been helping me once again and now in writing mode for a new album with a friend

of mine from my old band "Soulhaven"  so hopefully this time next year we'll have an album out..

I am now slowely getting back into my own guitar based music too.. so will be interesting to see how it pans out

after several years break...

Congrats to Sam Houston - Mixposure Artist of the Month

Congrats to Sam Houston for being the Artist of the Month!! Please check out his music and his Bio below!


I played on stage for about 30 or so years. I have played with such people as Roy Clark, Jana Jae, Reba McEntire's guitar player, little brother of Brooks and Dunn's guitar player, and many others. I've been on the radio and TV and was close to a record deal. But, I finally just got pissed off at the music business in general, and especially country music. Country isn't country anymore and people don't seem to know what country is these days. Also, being on the road constantly really wears you down. I wanted to go fishing or hang out with my friends but couldn't because I always had somewhere I had to be. When I finally quit, I could look at my schedule and see where I was going to be two years ahead. That's just ridiculous! So, I quit. I still have a lot of my equipment though. I have 24 guitars, 5 amps, a bass, and a bunch of PA equipment. So, maybe one of these days I'll start up again, but on my own terms this time.

A note about my music. If you are looking for a polished studio sound, you won't find it here. I don't have fancy recording equipment and choose, at the moment, to not have a band. It's just me. My music is rough, raw, and real. But I ask you to really listen to the songs. I promise that my songs are truthful, honest, and from the heart. However, I believe this is the core of music. Everybody should put themselves out there like this. Because that's what I'm doing.....putting myself out there. I've made many recordings in studios when I was playing full time. But there are no studios involved in my music now. No studios to hide mistakes or make a song "pretty" or have the perfect mix to fool the listener's ear into believing they like what they here. My music is raw but very honest.

If you want to know me......just listen to my songs. Every song is true and has actually happened at some point in my life. Nothing here is false.


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Congrats to KitMann - Mixposure Song of the Week

Congrats to Kit Mann for having the Mixposure Song of the Week! Check out his bio and song below!




I am a former Police Officer, Sheriff's Deputy, EMT and Soldier.  I learned everything I could so when someone was at the worst moment of ther life, they could look up, see me and know they are safe. I am now disabled.  I had to have 4 major chest surgeries.  The last being where the V.A. had to removed my sternum.  They placed in Kevlar and Gortex fabric.  So I guess now I'm bullett proof and water proof :)   I have up loaded 23 songs. 10 songs from my first cd A Cry For Help, and  have 13 I have recorded so far for my next cd Guitar Mann.  My motto with music is:  If I can touch one person with one song my job is done and I'm happy, then I try and do it again. I hope you find a song you really enjoy.  


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By alex.eslavon, 2014-03-05

Spain 1978.


Lisen to rumors 2008

Horizont closed 2010

January 2011

Culture of day 2011


Posted in: music | 0 comments

A "Chance Encounter" with The TrueVulgarians

By truevulgarian, 2014-03-03

The TrueVulgarians are pleased to announce the release their newest song, "Chance Encouter", a tune about love at first sight and the serendipity of the unexpected encounter  Words and music by Bill Thompson who played acoustic guitar and sang lead vocal.  Jacki Grapentine on back-up vocals.  This song was mixed and mastered by Abysss who so graciously offered his talent and expertise.  Check it out on our artist's page! 

I KNOW (Kit Mann, Ft David C. Deal)  Why I did this song.

Brand New Song, and Why this song:   I KNOW   (Kit Mann, Ft David C Deal) .  Hey Everybody this is my first blog, hope I don't mess it up.  I was advised I should post a blog about my new song  I KNOW (Kit Mann, Ft David C. Deal), so I am going to try and explain why this song.   I was a Soldier, Police Officer/Deputy Sheriff, an EMT on three Voluntary Ambulance Services.  For So man years, I missed so much.  I was so focused in doing the job and doing it the right way. So when someone was at the worst moment of their life, They could look up, see me and know they were safe.  Because of this dedication my family suffered, A Lot!!!  Besides my regular duties I was also on the SICOG Drug Task Force.  Breaking it down, I missed so so so much of the ups and downs of raising a family with two son's Chris and Mike Mann.  I did however coached baseball, taught classes at the schools, Boy Scout Leader, but again in many ways this also took away from my boys. I have been writing music since I was 16 years old.  After I became disabled (V.A. had to remove my sternum)  I really got into focusing on recording my music.  I have released my first CD  A CRY FOR HELP, and I have 14 songs now recorded for my next CD  Guitar Mann, when ever that gets done Laughing   I Know is a song I had wrote for my two son's.  I couldn't write lyrics about shootings, crime and ect., so I wrote the song from the point of a traveling salesman.   BUT!!!!  All of a sudden I woke up one day and my left hand, the fingers were numb.  I went to the V.A. and they found I had extream damage to the C5-C6 Vetebre in my neck.  I could no longer play guitar.  I couldn't feel the strings, I couldn't get my fingers to do what I wanted them to do either, so I stopped!!  For over a year I didn't sing, because I couldn't play.  I always had a guitar by me at all times, and all I could do was look at it.   Then one day listening to mix radio in the chat room I had a conversation with David C. Deal.  I explained to him that I had a song and i just sent him the lyrics for the Chorus.  His said this is great it wil really bring tears to the chat room.  Now David knew about my hand problem and I told him I would practice and see if I can get the chords played right.  I worked and worked and worked.  I was having serious problems getting the chords picked correctly, and I didn't want to change the chords to cowboy chords.  I finally got a rough recording done of the song and sent it to Doc Deal. He loved it and couldn't wait to get working on it.  I took a while but I did record a faily clean guitar track, sent to Doc and he did his magic...Wow.  Then I recorded the lyrics.  I know i have a growl in my voice but singing the lyrics almost brought me to tears.  I didn't know if Doc Deal could work with the lyrics but again he worked hard on it and we had a guitar track and a vocal track.  Doc Deal then took the song and put together some of the finest keyboard work I have listened to.  At the first note of his at the start of the song before my guitar comes in, I had chills just wondering what was ahead.  Then I cried, and I cried.  Sorry about all the crying but thats what I did.  Doc David C. Deal with his playing, mixing mastering, took a song that meant so much to me and made it happen.  With out Doc Deal this song would still just be words on paper.  Well I hope I didn't screw this up too much.  I am going to attach the link to the song.  I have a motto for my music;  If I can touch one person with one song then my job is done, and I'm happy.  Then I try and do it again.  In this case, with this song I just want to touch two people my son's Chris and Mike... I love  you both so much.   I hope you enjoy the song.  

I KNOW (Kit Mann, Ft David C. Deal)



By KJIVA, 2014-03-01

marasta hip hop marathi rap album droping soon in this summer

Posted in: lp album | 0 comments

Mixposure Rock Music Poll

By Admin, 2014-03-01

Welcome to the 2013 Rock Music Award for 2013! Please vote for your favorite song!

Posted in: MRA2013 | 6 comments
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