
Rico Richie Featuring DaRealPrettyTony - "Gudda Chick"

By DaRealPrettyTonyMrShouright7000, 2015-09-21

Check out DaRealPrettyTony's collaboration with Rico Richie - "Gudda Chick"



Connect with DaRealPrettyTony on his social media networks!

DaRealPrettyTony on Soundcloud

DaRealPrettyTony on ReverbNation

DaRealPrettyTony Facebook Fan Page

DaRealPrettyTony on Twitter


By Admin, 2015-08-31

Anyone watch the VMA's last night? If so, care to comment? 

Posted in: News | 4 comments

New song.... "Weeping Willow"

By Sam Houston, 2015-08-25

Uploaded a new song "Weeping Willow". I just got a mandolin and trying it out on this one :-D

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

Annual Halloween Song Submissions

By Admin, 2015-08-22

I know it seems early but Halloween is approaching fast! I just want to give everyone a reminder to keep this thought in the back of your mind to create a Halloween Tune!!

For those of you that are not familiar with this, for the last 10 years or so we have done Halloween Song Submissions. The goal is to create a fun, spooky tune that we will play on Mixstream Radio around Halloween. The song does not have to have vocals and we encourage you to collaborate with other Mixposure Artists!

This Halloween Song Submissions are probably been the most successful "site songs" we have done. So let's have another successful year!!


Posted in: News | 11 comments

New Song

By Sam Houston, 2015-07-20

Up loaded a new song called "One More Tear Left To Cry" Please give it a listen if you get a chance.

Posted in: Music | 3 comments


By Admin, 2015-07-17

Hey Gang!

Just wanted to apologize for not being around much. It has been a remodeling few months and I am finally getting caught up. Our computer room was just done and now we have it put back together. I can finally use my computer properly!!


Posted in: News | 8 comments

We Got Angels 2015

By harryv1, 2015-07-12
We Got Angels 2015

Hello Friends,
I'll be gone soon, for quite a while.
2 weeks ago I heard I am seriously ill, funny, don't feel it that way, just had a nasty cough for which I went to see my new doctor.
New doctor, cause I have moved not so long ago to this sweet little place where I live now, a peaceful rural village where nothing ever happens, like Sleepy Hollow.
So my new docotr studied my medical files. He didn't like the fact that I have been complaining about being tired for more than 10 years now. He sent me to the hospital for X rays and a CT scan.
There's a tumor in my right lung.
More study and tests have made clear the cancer has not spread, it seems to be dormant and of a variety that will not spread esily, so they decided for surgery which will take place soon, within 2 weeks.
So I'll be gone for a while, medic rehabilitation will follow most likely so all in all it might be months before I'm back, in what state we'll have to see.

We Got Angels in Heaven, I'm sure, there's no coincidence I moved and went to see another doctor who takes my complaints more seriously. If I would still see my old doctor there would have been a big chance we'd know nothing - I asked him for X rays and CT scans more than once, but didn't I look good and I am not 25 any more...

So we're lucky so far.

A few days before I heard this news I had started to remix end re master my very first album We Got Angels.
My first love, since that album (1995) my music took a U turn and I never left that new trail, it led me to various places like Reverbnation and finally to Mixposure.

Another thing that feels like a sign: I just uploaded 13 new tracks and my account seems to have reached its limit. I had exactly the needed amount of space left. 

Enjoy the music, I'm going to close this book for now, will have to make preparations for the time that comes, if I want to be ready and all set in a little more than a week I'll be very busy too.

Love you guys, Mixposure has brought me lots of fun and entertainment and some of the best Friends ever.

Find the music here, it's special to me, most about Children and War cause it was written during the war in Yugoslavia in the 90's, opening up and concluding with songs about Tienanmensquare June 4 1989.
Here's the album link, the player doesn't show them in the right order but the list of files underneath
shows the tracks in the right order. To my guardian Angel: 
We Got Angels 2015

Hold the fort till I get back! Love you one and all,

Harry V
sunday, july 12 2015

Posted in: Music | 6 comments

static emissions ep now finished

By elektronz, 2015-07-02
static emissions ep now finished

all done and uploaded to download free of charge ,inhibitions and loss of pink leggins :)

Posted in: default | 2 comments

fun in music making

By elektronz, 2015-07-01
fun in music making

yes folks i said the f word ,,,hmm i can sense a mass shaking of craniums here ...ok i admit it ...i overdose on the f word relentlessly ..i dont care ..i wander through these hallowed halls we call mix mansion without a care ,barefoot and budgie smugglingly free from the constraints of what is universally acclaimed to be the norm of "knocking one out "  thats a tune and not a fart or baby making juice ...yessiree bob i brush aside the penned in rules and regs of outing some sonicals ...if i feel like dropping the f word in one of my tunes then so be it ..iit shall be thou and nay thrice nay hey nonay nonay and crumpet at 2 o clock ....with fist beating breast i lead the way in a new form of entertainment guaranteed to entertain ....if i fail in this mission i will under duress gladly equip myself with the dreaded flops of flip and the diseased parrot of port merrin and shall sally forth into the mists of time never to return ...dont know why sally has to be fourth ,,,1st or second woud of done me ...possibly because it was her breast i was beating and being fourth gave me a head start ...anyhoo i digress ...that curry was a strongun ,,lot of digressing there ...the f word ,,,banned in many cities ,,,frowned upon by the clergy and definetly a no -no in most diy shops ...i will be f-wording my way into the annals of mix mansion where bleaching is cheap but boy does it sting and serve no other purpose but for butthole photographers weekly piccy section ...i really cant fathom the need to de-colourise ones waste flange ,,but hey ho its  a big world out there and obviously someone thought it would be cool to absorb something used to disenfect the grids into ones arse outlet ...hmm yup strange place this be the world is ...and on that delicate line of conversation i bid you all farewell and hope you endeavour to be encouraged to include in ,but not all of ,your tunes a smattering of the f-word sometimes makes us smile :)

Posted in: default | 0 comments

Quick Review - Taylor T-5z Pro

By Gene, 2015-06-26
Quick Review - Taylor T-5z Pro

Quick Review - Taylor T-5z Pro

To open this review with a couple of caveats.
1) I am at best an amateur guitarist so take what I write here with a grain or two of salt (maybe some lime and tequila will help as well!).
2) I prefer acoustic guitar so some of my opinions may be a bit biased. I will get to why I don't feel this is an "acoustic" despite the "Acoustic? Electric? Yes" tagline later on.
3) I posted a few links to video reviews that go a bit further in-depth below so I will try to be brief.

So, what the heck is it?
In addition to it's regular line of acoustic guitars Taylor has dabbled with electrics like the T-3 and the T-5 range of "hybrid" guitars. The T-5 and T-5z come in four levels (The "Classic", "Standard", "Pro", and "Custom"). The only difference between the models being appointments like binding and top woods etc. and price of course. Both the T-5 and T-5z are fully hollow thin bodied "acoustics" with the Expression System from the acoustic lines and a stacked bridge humbucker. The original T-5 (released in 2005 I believe) has an auditorium sized body with a 15" radius bolt on neck and standard frets where the newer T-5z has a more "Les Paul" sized body with a 12" radius neck and jumbo frets the theory being that the T-5 was mainly for the acoustic player wanting some electric while the T-5z was the opposite. Both versions are available in 12 strings as well.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I am not a Taylor fan generally. While I have played many at many different price points I have never walked out of the store with one. They check all of the right boxes (good fit and finish, great playability, attractive, well balanced, good note to note seperation etc.) but I always found them to be a bit lifeless and thin in the tone department and I am NOT a fan of the Expression System to be honest. All of that is subjective however and most of the tone is in the fingers after all (hence my caveat #1 above). Also I think Taylors are very overpriced.

So, if that is how you feel about Taylor why did you buy one dummy?
Well simple really, because it is quite an interesting beast. With this guitar you can practice scales or write melodies and lyrics without plugging in or waking the baby. It has a good tonal range and is quite flexible. Playability and fit and finish are great and the blue matches my truck.

So, You love it so much you sleep with it and are a huge Taylor fan now right?
Errr, no (that is just wrong on too many levels). I DO like it a bit however. After trying to go the electric route for a while now one of the things I found was that I just didn't like how my electrics felt with daily playing and the T-5z "feels" like an acoustic and is able to cover "some" of the areas that both electric and acoustic cover.

So, you said earlier that it was not an "acoustic", make up your mind.
It isn't in the tone department, even though it has some OK acoustic sounds. I have played it through my Fishman Loundbox Artist and my Takamine and Breedloves blow it away acoustically. Now, to be honest, they are full sized acoustics and the Taylor is a maple topped thin body so that was to be expected. Also you will NOT be practicing your harmonics and full tone quality on this guitar, or recording it with mics, without plugging it in to some amplification device. There is only one of the five positions that utilize the soundboard (not under saddle) transducer and that is in a blend with the hidden magnetic humbucker, all of the other sounds are just the humbuckers. It is better I suppose than an actual electric with a piezo bridge due to being constructed like an acoustic so you tend to play it that way in "acoustic" mode but to me it seems to be a hollow body electric with an added transducer. With an A/B pedal you can go between a PA or acoustic amp and an electric amp however and the guitar actually does sound quite nice. The tone shaping with the active EQ is pretty good and you can get a wide range of decent sounds, just gotta watch the feedback when you go to position 1 (do NOT do that with a drive pedal and your Peavey Valveking turned up, trust me!).

In summary.

Playability - I'll give it a 6-7. The neck feels nice the action is good for me but I have a light touch and it feels good in the lap and is really light. But for the electric player who is used to adjusting intonation, pickup height, saddle height etc that won't be happening here.

Build quality and fit and finish - It's a 9-10, Taylor does do very well in this department and is pretty consistent.

Tone - I'll give it an 8-9 here. While I am not totally won over by the acoustic tones on this guitar it kind of has a tone of it's own and a great deal of flexibility with some limitations.

Price - Got a spare kidney? Just sayin' it aint' cheap.

All of the above said Taylor guitars are everywhere and if this model piques your interest you should easily be able to find one to play somewhere close by. It's not for everyone but is worth a look to be sure.

Some video...

Taylor T5z Custom hybrid hollowbody guitar review demo (Guitarist review)

Taylor T5z Live Sound Demo (Zzounds preview video) (Taylor T-5z sneak preview)

Taylor T5z Guitar Review (AGM sound demo)

Taylor T5z Guitar Range Review - Time to challenge those preconceptions! (Andertons review)

Taylor T5 Acoustic-electric Guitar Demo - Sweetwater Sound (Sweetwater review of the original T-5)


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