
Subscription Changes

user image 2015-11-03
By: Admin
Posted in: News

As most of you know we switched servers awhile ago and we were able save some money off of our monthly fees. We also added a lot more storage space. With that in mind, I wanted to revamp the Mixposure Subscription Rates. I wanted to get rid of a lot of the plans and just make it simple for everyone. 

For the most part, we really have two subscriptions now. Mixposure 100  and the Mixposure 250 . The price for these will be 24.99 a year and 49.95 a year. As you can guess, the number is how many songs you can add. I have already moved pretty much everyone into these quotas so you should now have the ability to add a lot more songs. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.


11/06/15 09:59:49PM @tlt50:
I like it Todd.....I'll be in touch.... Thx < Bro..:)
11/04/15 11:23:44PM @gene-smith:
Awesome Todd!
Farrell Jackson
11/04/15 11:21:13AM @farrell-jackson:
That's a great move Todd!
11/04/15 09:54:03AM @david-c-deal:
Sounds like a winner.


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