
Gerry Mancuso - Song of the Week!
Congrats to Gerry for having the Song of the Week! Please have a listen below and let Gerry know what  you think of this song!


Gerry Mancuso is a song writer, lead guitarist, and guitar teacher whose music cannot be easily encapsulated in one or two words. Fast, slow, heavy, soft; think of all the opposites you want, list them, and then consider that a rough description of the musical artist who is set to turn the music scene on its ear with such profoundly unique stylings. Mancuso's drive, fueled by sheer talent, has resulted in some of the most stellar songwriting you're apt to hear. Original yet accessible, entertaining but also smart and with a message for the soul; Mancuso writes songs for whom even the sky is no limit.  With the songs Mancuso writes, it's easy to believe he has a divine mandate - and that he will accomplish it.


Gerry's solo albums are now available on iTunes, including his latest studio recording "Mystic Visions."  To pick up your copies, visit the links below, or just search "Gerry Mancuso" at the iTunes store!

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Congrats to Ron Kaufman! Artist of the Month

A huge Congratulations to Ron Kaufman  for being the Artist of the Month! Please swing by his page and check out his music!

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Thank You!

By Admin, 2014-11-03
We just wanted to thank everyone who submitted Halloween Songs. They were fantastic and I personally enjoyed listening to all of them! A great time was had by all who attended the radio show! 

Now that Halloween is over, that brings us to the next Mixposure Song Submission project and that is the Holiday Song Submissions! So keep this in mind when you are writing your next tune!

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Song of the Week - Lodato - Heart on the Line!
Have a listen to Lodato's Heart on the Line ! This is the Song of the Week!

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Halloween is getting close....

By Admin, 2014-10-29
How is everyone doing on the Halloween Tune????
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Check Out Tre'Barz 0 To 100 freestyle - The Hardest One Out There

Tre'Barz 0 To 100 Freestyle
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By pladeezrecords, 2014-10-20  signs in with John Pimp as the front man dropping off his new single "Look At Me Now" .

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Drunk Clowns

By Admin, 2014-10-12
I heard a rumor that the Drunk Clowns are coming back.
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The Monster

By truevulgarian, 2014-10-12
The Monster
Here's our submission for this year's Halloween Song project, a little number called "The Monster".  My sister Jacki does the lead vocal and, basically, I did the rest, including words and music.  The song, though submitted for Halloween, has, unfortunately for those who have been there, year-round application... lol.  Treat or Treat!

Brand New Release titled Why ?

By Carmella Inchierchiera, 2014-10-11
My song titled Why ? has been release .. 

Thank you Nelson Blanchard for Producing + Performing Why ? and bringing all I write alive..
Special Thank you to the Great Larry Franklin from Nashville Tenn, on Fiddle.
Larry has played Fiddle on cuts by most of the Major Artist.. 
Thank you to my Family, Friends and Fans who Keep Me Inspired to Create Song..
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