
Chain Of Broken Dreams

album: Ed Stone
genre: Indie
streams: 608
creation date: 2010-09-01

  Song Lyrics
Chain Of Broken Dreams copyright Stone, Slaughter & cooter   I've been thinking 'bout the price of a lonely heart I've been thinking 'bout the way to...
  Song Information
The artist is Ed Stone.  Skip Slaughter is the engineer and bass player.  I am cooter.  Ed, Skip and I co-wrote the song.   Ed Stone - Vocals, Electric...
Chain Of Broken Dreams
10/19/23 09:50:52PM @moequinn:
song created in 2010 - 2023 still loving this song

08/31/21 10:57:29PM @moequinn:
10 years later & I still love this song ~ forever new to me
01/30/17 03:20:20AM @steve-bramer:
How are you guys not famous?
The Billy Arnett Band
08/18/15 11:42:37PM @the-billy-arnett-band:
Awesome.. This is good stuff! Thank you for uploading it
02/02/13 01:16:09PM @tcp-up:
Pro songwriting and arrangement suitable for radio play. Very clear and concise thinking went into this song. And the performance, lyrics and production only serve as punctuation. Superb pop demeanor and attitude make this a great mature offering. Kudos guys. Wonderful piece of music!! ..Blake
04/15/12 11:27:48PM @dolce:
Kooder!! This song draws you in and keeps you grooving along 'til the end. Such a bittersweet song with an upbeat groove.


11/17/11 01:22:36AM @self-tort:
Ed and Kooder, I can't believe I've missed your music until now. You two write really well together and the performances are really top notch. Glad to see I've still got more to catch up. You've got me hooked. Great work again. Cheers, Brian
09/17/11 01:29:02PM @the-full-quid:
a really nice song and sound sort of americana -country -rock , really nice melody , love the intro , always great to have a super intro , you the vocals are really good too. and a bridge ? ok this is classic style songwriting I mean bridges are rare anymore ..

08/26/11 05:43:00PM @durod:
Another hit guys! Well done, toe tappin' song. Thanks for the free download!
12/27/10 07:21:10PM @eirik-finbak:
Well produced song, with some elements in almost Country-style.. I like the vocals very much, it helps to make the song as strong as it is.

The lyrics are good and makes the melody whole!
Great Work here guys!

-Eirik Finbak

Incarnate Word
12/27/10 06:22:24PM @incarnate-word:
I remember this tune. this is the first song I heard from you guys. this is killer. I cannot put my finger on it but if I had to guess i would say you guys have honed in on your skills. very precise and to the bone. Great Job.
10/16/10 04:36:21PM @dave-meredith:
Another fine piece of rock and roll... Production is top class, lyrics melody and vocals are all of the same quality... Cool, easy listening with strong song writing!... Nice work!!
11/28/10 01:26:21AM @joseph-j:
Love the country rock feel and the great lyrics. I've wanted to do a country song. I hope it's a good as "Chains of Broken Dreams. Lot of talent here..
Sam Houston
09/19/10 03:18:20PM @sam-houston:
Cool song! The lyrics are great.
09/14/10 09:34:22PM @tlt50:
Simply fantastic....bro..! Songwriting is amazing.For me....the superb production,instrumentation and talent on this track, blows me away..Fabulous....:)) Of course...that Hammond and leslie... add the perfect touch to this..!
OUTSTANDING...!!! Going to add this track as a link to FB..!


Larry T

09/14/10 09:23:01PM @michael-frazier:
Hey kooder, very commercial tune you have here. Nice vibe, solid vocals and the lyrics are very well written. I take it you love to write songs. Nice job on that front. Super vocals and all the back beat musicians. Nice tune. Enjoyed the listen.
Luca Wulf
09/14/10 03:07:37PM @huge-artist:
Well that opening chord made me jump LOL
You see I had been recording very quietly,and I use the same set up for the web as I do recording,so it came through a tad loud LOL......

Ok,survived the shock :)

I read your bio,and yes,we share that passion.
Nothing quite like sitting down and writing a song.

This is only the second song of yours I have listened to,but two things stick in my mind.
1: QUALITY,no substitute for it.
2: A man sat down with an acoustic and a note pad.

1 starts with 2 and ends in 2.
It is very evident you have spent many years learning your sopngwriting craft.
Nothing here by accident.
I would imagine you guys will be,if not already,a big hit on Mixposure radio shows.
If you are not on the shows yet,approach the dj's here, toa man they are always welcoming.

It's radio ready and ready to roll.
Class,top to bottom.

Farrell Jackson
09/13/10 12:33:08PM @farrell-jackson:
Great song kooder! I like the fretless bass sound in your songs. Great melody and lyric! As before great production in you songs!


09/10/10 02:42:07PM @n0mad23:
Wow, this is really well done! Very cross genre, too. I can imagine this being played on several different radio venues - especially since it's really got that Americana vibe happening. Great lyrics, and equally well produced. The tracks levels in this are absolutely perfect.
09/06/10 06:30:22PM @david-c-deal:
Another clean and pro production. Great balance on instruments here. Vocals are superb.

09/06/10 03:48:40PM @dazed:
Love the guitar work in this tune. Clean melody is awesome. Vocals are well done and lyrically this is a gem. No complaints here. Keep them coming!
Farrell Jackson
08/24/11 10:38:52AM @farrell-jackson:
An excellent crossover song kooder.....I've come to the conclusion that kooder doesn't write anything bad...they are all hit quality!


margot du bois
08/27/11 04:17:05AM @margot:
Wooowee..Now this is really cool...Very tight musically and I love the vocalists voice which reminds me of Bruce Springstein..A great listen..:-)

Thankyou so much for listening to my new song, sorry to write that here but my pms appear to arrive minus the content..:-)

Love Margot..:-)

Lyrical Princess
09/13/10 12:17:54AM @lyrical-princess:
Kooder... I can't get enough of this song.. Listening for the second time.. Sang along the first time round .. Ok.. and the second too.(lol). Should have it memorized by the time I finish this review.. Though I do it no justice at all with my voice... hehehe
IMHO .. This is radio ready.. Am surprised it hasn't been picked up yet.. Very catchy melody.. The lyrics touch the very core of me.. The music & vocals are Wonderful.. A definite 5****'s .. Am so happy you have it up for D/L.. Thank You so much!!!

Wishing You All The Best,
LP / Linda

01/17/13 07:33:39AM @jackson-hart:
Ed! Those vocals kick ass Man!! The music is solid and the mix is very pro! Well written! Fantastic Song Kooder! 5 Stars from me!! *****

08/31/11 10:13:04PM @slarou:
Very well produced...Ok Cold comment if you read it in first level...Nah...I mean this song is beautiful and the sound serve it so great!!!!!!!


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