
The Hallway

album: Collaborations
genre: Folk-Rock
streams: 208
creation date: 2009-08-05

The Hallway
Sam Houston
09/17/10 11:43:35PM @sam-houston:
Very COOL song!
Sam Houston
09/17/10 11:38:42PM @sam-houston:
I liked it! Sounded good!
Sandy Gritt
12/09/10 06:58:42PM @sandy-gritt:
Trippy vibe, full of wonder and passion. I really like your vocal!
01/15/10 09:37:44PM @genghisken:
Devodale can sing! Amazing guitar, such a haunting sound to this, fabulous track. Can't hide behind the mixer now that we know you can sing! Awesome track my friend, great tune!
08/08/09 08:21:59AM @mark-reed:
First track of yours I've heard, and it's excellent. I liked the backing, simple yet solid. The guitar was fitting to the mood. Your vocals are what made this one for me. Very distinctive delivery. Gonna catch some more of yours soon well done


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