Category: NEW STUFF
<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Hi Everyone, </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">It´s been a while. I received a lot of new comments, and messages, and finally got around to replying to them today. I also uploaded a brand new song called "ETHNOLOGY". It´s very different than most of my other tracks, it´s Ethnic. Actually, it´s Multi-Genre and could be classified as Soundtrack, New Age, World, Club/Dance, or Ambient/Chill. It´s only on one other site at the moment, and has been doing very well over there. I hope you will enjoy it. The main theme of the song is "World Peace Through Music". </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">There´s been a lot of new stuff happening. I´ve totally upgraded my home studio, so that I don´t always have to go to the big studio all the time to do work for my clients. I can now work at home a lot more. I still do the mastering in the big studio with the Tube Tech compressor, Master EQ´s, and other goodies, but I´m doing a lot more mixing work at home, and my clients have been very satisfied. I totally upgraded my home studio, and bought an iMAC 24, 2,93 GHZ, 8 GB RAM, 2TB Hard Drive, and am running both LOGIC 8 and Pro Tools. Also added an Apogee Ensemble sound card, and the SSL Duende Mini 32 Studio, with 32 channels with all the SSL plugins including Channel Strip EQ´s, Buss Compressor, Vocal Strip, Drum Strip, X EQ, and X Compressor. I basically took a large portion of the money I made with my Online Mixing and Mastering business, and invested it, instead of giving it to the Taxman.
These are all major improvements, and the SSL Duende sounds a lot like a real SSL board. I also like the Neve UAD 2 Nevana, and it may be next on my list, but it´s a PCI card, and there are no PCI card slots in the iMAC 24, so I´ll have to buy an external one, and they seem to be very expensive. But, I´m planing on adding the Neve UAD 2 Nevana as well, because it´s also great, and has it´s own distintive sound. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">I won 2 song contests on another site last year, and received 2 gift certicates worth $200.00 on Amazon. They have an Instrument section on Amazon, and I decided to buy a Digital Recorder. I spent 2-3 month researching ALL the recorders available, reading reviews from magazines, users, and listening to samples of all the different machines. I chose the Olympus LS-10, which was $304.00=224.00 € on Amazon. I sent the Gift Cards to a friend of mine in New York, and had him buy the recorder with his credit card, and ship it over to me in Berlin, Germany. He had owed me some money, and in the end, since the I´d won the $200.00 gift certificates, I only paid about 120.00 Euro for the recorder. It costs 399.00 Euro here in Germany. IT`S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
The only recorder that might be slightly better, is the SONY PCM 50. But it´s a lot bigger, heavier, only records 16 or 24 bit WAV, (No MP3) and costs $499.00 on Amazon, 599.00 Euro here in Germany. The Olympus records in 96khz/24 bit, 96khz/16 bit, 88.2khz/24 bit, 88.2khz/16 bit, 48khz/24 bit, 48khz/16 bit, 44.1khz/24, 44.1khz/16 bit, and in MP3 from 360, 256, and 128 kbps, has great buit in mics, and is slightly bigger than a cell phone, so you can carry with you all the time. I did some recording at a Jam Session the same day I got it, without even reading the manual, and the recordings were great.
I can take a 24 bit recording, and master it, and you´d think it was recorded with top studio gear. It´s very good. And the MP3 recording is pefect for recording reheaersals, where you just need to learn parts, and don´t need a 24 bit WAV file.
I must sound like an Olympus salesman, but check it out, it´s an amazing little machine.
</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Anyway, hope you´re all doing well. Check out my new tune, and tell me what you think.
</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">All the best, </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">DICARLO</span></p>