Spank Me Tonight (Featuring Bill Thompson, Ron Bowes and Steven Thornton)
Song Lyrics
© 2017 by: Ernest E. Easter,Sr (1997)
Song Information
This started out a couple of decades ago as just a little diddy that I would sing in my head on occasion. You know how that goes, first you think of a...
Spankin' Good!! Clever lyrics, and lovin' the Harp playing throughout!!! It's a humorous, metaphor filled banger!!!
I plant my flag !!!! 💌🤟
Well, a Spanky Thanky to you Farrell....hahahah
He he Ern, it's too late....I'm already addicted to fun! So I'm here to get my "Spank Me Tonight" fix this morning....just an all around fun song.
Thanx Farrell for havin another listen. It was fun workin up the lyrics too...Better be careful there 'cause fun can be addictive you know. Next thing you know yer gonna start to like it......
One more time....this is just a fun song Bill, Ron and Ern!
WOW Ron, I thought you had too. Ahhh I just strike it up as OldTimers disease... It was great fun from this end too. Tech probs aside you did very well with it.... I hope Steve knows I'm very pleased with his drumming too.....Don't you just love a good giggler tune..
I thought I'd left a comment - it's the dementia. TG I don't have dementia, and another thing. TG I don't have dementia. Was great fun doing this (after the initial tech probs) and I know steve is pleased with it.
Thank you, Joseph. I like that "a cool beer tune"...Yeah, I like that.
Great collab and a cool beer tune to getting along, ENCORE!!!
Thank you WW. You know I like to sing fun stuff and this is one of the funnest I've had the pleasure to be involved in. Bill's lyrics had me giggling a bunch of times while singing them in my head. Aside from Ron's stellar musicianship and fine production skills his friend Steven Thornton provided a strong rock and roll drum beat. When I heard the completed work I giggled all over again. In fact, I'm giggling right now thinking about it.
Wild and crazy project indeed. And you guys do it so well.*Thoughtful lyrics*....with outstanding vocals. Musicians sharing their skills..and having a blast.WTG gents.
Back again...just as fun as the first listen! Hey how about EaZZy Top as a band name, LOL!
That's true, True... It was a crazy project, but I kinda shy away from the SleazZ. However, I do identify with the GeezZ...hahahhaaaa...Hey! Old man rock RULES....Yeah, "GeezZ Rock Band".....
This was a wild and crazy project, some twenty years in the making! Ern tells me he first wrote the song way back when and invited me to co-write some lyrics and put on some harmony and then grabbed Bowes who did a great job working up Ern's music and on the production. "Sleazy Top"... or maybe "Sleazy Bottom"?
I'm glad you like it Farrell. Not a bad idea but it might be a long wait for a beard to grow. Thanx.
Ha ha I like this guys and I like the way it came about and out! I think we have a new band in the making? How about "SleaZZy Top" as a name? LOL! Ern already has the required beard.......just sayin'..... A real fun toon!
Thanx Doug. Smilin lifts the spirit and causes one to feel just a tad better. I am happy you enjoyed it. Now I'm smillin too.
Great tune folks. Erne always makes me smile.