Gary Dabrowski
Gary Dabrowski
Gary Dabrowski


album: N/A
genre: FOLK ROCK
streams: 103
creation date: 2019-02-12

  Song Information
my rendition of a traditional folk song, which was first recorded in 1939 as 'The Gallis Pole' by folk singer Huddie 'Lead Belly' Ledbetter, and in 1970 as...
Gary Dabrowski
02/13/19 05:54:08PM @gary-dabrowski:
Frank...thanks for listening and your comment!...I like the songs you post too...some of them remind me of something Ray Davies of the Kinks would do...
Frank Northcutt
02/13/19 01:59:41PM @frank-northcutt:
Great take on this, Gary. And as Farrell said, nice work on the ivories!
Gary Dabrowski
02/12/19 06:47:33PM @gary-dabrowski:
Farrell...thanks so much!...
Farrell Jackson
02/12/19 06:09:37PM @farrell-jackson:
A fine version of Gallows Pole with some cool piano riffing in there Gary !
Gary Dabrowski
02/12/19 03:42:31PM @gary-dabrowski:
Ron...thanks for listening and your comment!...
02/12/19 03:17:27PM @ronbowes:
Cool rendition of this Gary!


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