I am testing out my neww Zoom H4N field recorder (neat little piece of kit).This is a raw recording of a thunderstorm recorded from my front porch last...
I am testing out my neww Zoom H4N field recorder (neat little piece of kit).
This is a raw recording of a thunderstorm recorded from my front porch last night.
The H4N was set to default stereo recording and using the built in condenser mics set to a 90 degree stereo field (next one will be set to 120 degrees, I screwed up).
Figured I would post it up here in case anyone is looking to use some thunderstorm effects in their tunes. If so , download and cut away!
03/14/16 12:42:55AM @lyrical-princess:
You are really too hard on yourself. You've not only written some good songs, but you've done a lot here on Mix. It takes talent to be a DJ.. And you're darn good at it
So, suck it up buttercup & marvel in March.
God writes and paints some of the most Glorious stuff You did a great job capturing his work...lol
03/13/16 09:20:42PM @gene-smith:
Can't take credit for this one LP, God wrote this one I just captured it lol. And thanks for the congrats, even if I disagree on the earning it part.
03/13/16 09:17:36PM @lyrical-princess:
Congratulations on AOTM Gene.. This is so exciting!! I'm so happy for you
I love thunderstorms... listening to them. There is something very calming with every BOOM!! Maybe it's the energy..
Enjoy "YOUR" month ... You've earned it
12/18/14 10:45:43AM @farrell-jackson:
It's difficult to capture the sound of nature and keep your recording equipment safe, lol. The H4N did a great job of recording the Thunder Storm Gene!
09/22/13 01:51:07AM @barefoot-music-group:
How wonderfully ironic that your Thunder & Rain are echoing what I have going on outside my window tonight. There is something melodic about rain drops falling & the crescendo of clapping thunder that I love.
05/12/13 06:45:11PM @cooter:
Thunder and rain are quite difficult instruments to play. You do it well. I guess you used an open tuning?
Played music, stopped, played some more, rinse and repeat... Starting with a clean slate and hope to have some music up someday. Till then I'll be a happy...
Played music, stopped, played some more, rinse and repeat... Starting with a clean slate and hope to have some music up someday. Till then I'll be a happy Mixposure listener and artist wannabe .
You are really too hard on yourself. You've not only written some good songs, but you've done a lot here on Mix. It takes talent to be a DJ.. And you're darn good at it
So, suck it up buttercup & marvel in March.
God writes and paints some of the most Glorious stuff
Can't take credit for this one LP, God wrote this one I just captured it lol. And thanks for the congrats, even if I disagree on the earning it part.
Congratulations on AOTM Gene.. This is so exciting!! I'm so happy for you
I love thunderstorms... listening to them. There is something very calming with every BOOM!! Maybe it's the energy..
Enjoy "YOUR" month ... You've earned it
It's difficult to capture the sound of nature and keep your recording equipment safe, lol. The H4N did a great job of recording the Thunder Storm Gene!
How wonderfully ironic that your Thunder & Rain are echoing what I have going on outside my window tonight. There is something melodic about rain drops falling & the crescendo of clapping thunder that I love.
Thunder and rain are quite difficult instruments to play. You do it well. I guess you used an open tuning?