Gary Shukoski
Gary Shukoski
Gary Shukoski


album: EP
genre: Instrumental Guitar
streams: 297
creation date: 2016-07-01

04/28/21 10:59:47AM @megan-metcalfe: first visit to your page, but it certainly won't be the last. REALLY enjoying all of your work! Beautiful, complex material. What a range of emotion, texture and intensity!
01/09/19 01:02:51PM @shane:
hey there mon ami. i just wanted to tell you hi, and happy new year. 2019 here now. I'm hearing some wonderful composition wonderfulness in this METRO number that my ears did not somehow notice when i listened before. in fact, at about -4.30,,, it is a really REALLY fine stage that your composition goes to . oh , and by the way, thank you so much for the ocassional times you've came and listened to my new tracks up. I'm delighted to hear from you etc. Wow, this metro is beautifully epic. I think, i must have been short on time when i've listened to it before. And for example , at time mark -0.25 , it is truly gorgeous double leads guitar composition and music going on here. This is a wonderful episode of music .
Gary Shukoski
10/18/17 02:15:53AM @gary-shukoski:
Thank you Hooker and Johan for the compliments and the interest enough to give a listen!
09/26/17 12:41:01AM @johandigregorio:
Superb composition. Incredible.
07/24/17 05:50:19PM @hooker-green:
Love the arrangement and instrumentation. Great idea that you arrange. Guitar and piano play a wonderful duet. Wow my congrats. H.G.
Gary Shukoski
07/11/17 01:42:23AM @gary-shukoski:
Thanks Mikael! I checked out your page as well. Some really rockin guitar stuff going on over there!
Mikael Larsson
05/18/17 04:45:47PM @mikael-larsson:
Killer tune Gary!
Gary Shukoski
05/10/17 11:55:52PM @gary-shukoski:
Thanks Shane! Really digging your new stuff over at the "Dangerfield" page too!
05/10/17 04:24:51PM @shane:
extraordinary composition and performance Gary.
Gary Shukoski
04/15/17 11:18:04AM @gary-shukoski:
Thank you Chris! Much appreciated.
04/13/17 09:30:54PM @chris-moore:
This is just... phenomenal. So complex and so incredibly well played, I can't imagine how many hours went into it, but man it was worth it. Brilliant composing, and a perfect result. I'm in awe.
Gary Shukoski
03/07/17 02:16:07AM @gary-shukoski:
Thanks both Waveman and Shane for stopping by to check this out! Definitely the most progressive variety of moods, tempos, and time meter changes I've ever attempted to cram into a single track lol!
03/06/17 07:35:33PM @shane:
exceptional ! dynamics, i love the different pages in this. wow, it keeps getting better. Totally love your lead guitar feature, wow.
03/02/17 08:18:08PM @waveman:
much respect for the amount of work and skill to produce your music. you have a sweet touch on the fretboard gary. lots of progressive changes that inspire this genre, nice man. appreciate you stopping by too
Gary Shukoski
02/24/17 12:13:42AM @gary-shukoski:
Thanks again MTW, for giving a listen and for your compliments!
02/20/17 09:41:49AM @winters-resurrection:
Very cool song, love the time signature changes and then the segue into slower, flowing section is a nice touch... Reminds me at times of Dream Theater, and to be honest, Petrucci is technical monster but sometimes, the emotion seems to be missing. I'd say you managed to capture more of what he is missing, bravo ;)
Gary Shukoski
02/06/17 12:46:14AM @gary-shukoski:
Thanks again Farrell and thank you very much Tricia! Glad you guys dig it! Had amazing fun putting it together!
Farrell Jackson
11/19/16 09:29:49AM @farrell-jackson:

I'm back for another listen just to remind myself how much I like this song! I think it's got some progressive/fusion jazz influence but the guitar never loses your solid rock roots.  Again very well done Gary and great bass work!


Gary Shukoski
11/14/16 10:52:24PM @gary-shukoski:
Yeah Dace, you hit every track and you better watch out now cause I'm coming over to your place next lol!
Gary Shukoski
10/09/16 12:22:31PM @gary-shukoski:
Thanks everyone for all the awesome comments! You guys all ROCK!!!
09/21/16 07:36:18PM @tlt50:

Perfect title............Your bass sound and creativity are remarkable. Impeccable work on all the instruments.The star of the track is of course....incredible guitar mastery.  Superb listen Gary...Bravo... *****

Larry T.

09/08/16 07:56:24AM @ronbowes:

Prog rock style. Great feel to this. Enjoyed.

Farrell Jackson
07/17/16 03:02:08PM @farrell-jackson:
Gary, I have heard this song many times on the Mix DJ shows and I'm impressed with each listen.....I still am. In fact, I thought I had commented on it but I see I haven't. The composition, production, and performances are great! Excellent guitar but I dig the drums also! Enjoyed it again.


07/14/16 09:27:31PM @the-truevulgarians:
This is a very ambitious and creative song for sure! Can tell a lot of time and effort went into putting something like this together. Congrats on an awesome result!
Gary Shukoski
07/12/16 10:47:08PM @gary-shukoski:
Everything that is a guitar, I played. Everything else (drums, keys, piano, and bass) was programmed note by note with the pencil tool in Pro Tools 8. The electric bass sound in the intro piece was programmed on a Roland DR-5 because I love that sound and could not find a Pro Tools equivalent!
07/12/16 10:18:09PM @david-c-deal:
I love those piano chords sliding in and out of the simple majors. Well produced, well written and well played. Did you play all of the instruments?
07/08/16 04:46:38AM @self-tort:
This is just so nice. I love it when really good guitarists record quality "songs", rather than just showing skill over a particular set of chords. This is quite a beautiful track. The guitar playing throughout is gorgeous. Loved the change of tempo at the 7.22 mark - that had me sitting in a car on a late night freeway. Incredibly lyrical instrumental
07/07/16 10:36:14PM @moequinn:
Wow! loved this makes one sit up & take notice - stop multi-tasking & just listen ~ an awesome production (nice to meet you in the Mix chat tonight)
07/07/16 09:49:31AM @tcp:
This has all the hallmarks I'd expect in a well conceived and performed song. Terrific tone and the guitar playing really delivers exactly what it should. I appreciate the creativity and flow of this song. Very well done indeed! /B
07/07/16 09:25:53AM @erne:
Very well done, Sir.
07/02/16 02:26:25PM @chrickon:
Cool arrangement and great performance! Liked it verry much.
Great work!


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