

About Mizieya: "Salutations Dear Listener. This is a comedy in three acts.: Breakfast, Lunch and Tea;  and I'm not planning on them being  late.  Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Love or hate sultanas lets face it- they're wrinkly. Are you being served? Well fyi- this isn't about you. This is about me. I like Purple. I sing it in the key of Jazz. Sometimes its green with an edgy violet diminished chord. Can you hear the sea?

Have you seen my face lately? One moment its purple, next its blue....  and my eyes juggle every time I move. Yes. sweety thats called normalcy. Have you ever read a book? I did once and then it read me. Never underestimate the power of thought or presentation, after all, the chord is mightier than the pen.You see it's gotta be edgy. Original, with a star cast of unknowns and uncertaintys. It's gotta tickle the soul with demonic delight. A landscape of sounds, musical grass that tingles the soul everytime  a windchime.  A unique song caught by the breeze, like my thoughts but only farther...  It's true angels are everywhere whilst I am not, and when I close my eyes there's a sheep killing the blues. Baa-ing its teeth at me and I think to myself how rude. And then I remember it could be a winning smile.. Ha! Who am I kidding. It hates me!It's a riot of colour in my mind. A symphony of textures full of  Voice,: syntax and grammar, semi quavers, and crotchets. A soundscape that sends me to the cliff edge,  tottering on the precipice, unfurling my wings so i can fly, fly fly. Yes that's right, my pretties: I cascade into The dark vibrant noisescape where I can shed this mortal coil and be one with Lucifer: The Goddess of Music. A concerto vibrating in the ether. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you truly happy to see me? Oh you should be so lucky! Shhh. Hush now. Don't spoil the moment....So what I'm saying in a nutshell is....I love you but I love me so much more.I am the notes from underground. Chords, maybe. Possibly whole tunes.... It's decimal. I am the point.Tha tha tha tha thats all folks! thank you and goodnight!

The Mad Hatters Tea Party: starring MIZIEYA ©MIZIEYA 2011

You can hear Mizieya's music right here: https://mixposure.com/mizieya/audio


Song Of The Month From Bad Love Junkie "Fell In Love With A Switchblade Girl!" https://mixposure.com/bad-love-junkie/audio

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DJ Schedule

By JimsAE, 2024-03-10


With the limited number of DJs, this is what we have: 

Monday: Auto DJ

Tuesday: Auto DJ

Wednesday: Auto DJ

Thursday 8 PM EST-10 PM EST Mike Olson (Axe) and JimsAE

Friday Auto DJ

Saturday 8PM EST-10PM EST: Ron D. Bowes

Sunday: Auto DJ

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The Radio Shows will be off the air until 8 March 2024. As many of you already know, most of our DJs are dealing with health problems, and we are short handed. As a result of this, our remaining DJs have been covering extra shows. We decided to take a month to recuperate. The Auto DJ will still be available. Sorry for the inconvenience. 


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Auto DJ Is On The Air!

By JimsAE, 2024-01-03

Auto DJ Logo.png

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Happy New Year, Folks!

By JimsAE, 2023-12-30

Happy New Year, Everybody! 


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Catia Dignard: Canadian Jazz & folk singer-songwriter, based in Toronto and originally from Montréal, Québec. Jazz as the base, modernized, atmospheric ambiance, and mysterious moods, leading the listener to the realm of sensuous.

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Song Of The Month is from Atlantica "Out In The Cold," and it is a rerecording of the former song of the month, a brilliant track: 


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