Category: Collaboration thanks from Melsi/UK Songwriting Contest
<p><span style="color: #ff00ff;">I wanted to congratulate and thank all the Mixposure musicians involved in my collaborations for the wonderful news regarding the UK Songwriting Contest. ELEVEN songs were Semi-Finalists, not bad considering there were 6,000 entrants! The songs were all entered in different catagories and a whisper away from being Finalists. I want to send a Melsi hug and cheers beers to Selftort, The Autumnleaf, Gina & Rick, Marijan, Dusty, Diego, Holley & Phil, Gavin, Papi and Les Kutsera, for your wonderful work and friendship. This hopefully goes a little way in making you all realise what a talent you truly have! xx (Hold onto your hats, after next year's contest we will all need sunglasses because the future will be so bright)!! LOL x</span></p>