<p>That Feeling of Falling in Love!!!</p><p>Do please call round for a listen to Falling, my latest collaboration with the wonderful Heidi Henrickson from Denmark on vocals. This is a collab between myself, Vahur Kannikk & Billy Playle, and very pretty it is too!! x</p>
<p>To all at Mixposure, wishing you all a very Happy and Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy 2012. Giant group hug from Melsi!!! <img title="Kiss" src="http://www.mixposure.com/include/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-kiss.gif" alt="Kiss" border="0" /> xx</p>
<p>To all at Mixposure, wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and happy 2012. Giant group hug from Melsi!!!! xx</p>
<p>If you like Country please call round for a listen to You Loved My Way with the stunning Rachel Williams on vocals. Diego and I were delighted when this song was a Finalist in the UK Songwriting Contest 2010, it has also had BBC Radio Airplay. Hope you enjoy! xx</p>
<p>"Make sure you remember to tell those special to you how much you love them". Please call round if you like Country, and listen to my latest collaboration with Frank Prenevost. x</p>
<p>Mike Lynn & Richard John have really pulled together a sweet Country song here with Last Train. We wondered if one of our Mix Country singers would like to put their mark on this demo for us? If you are interested please do contact Mike or myself - Please have a listen, she's a cutie. Melsi x</p>
<p>Please call round for a listen to our updated version of Naughty Thoughts. A super Easy Listening collab between myself and Diego B. Thank you and hope you enjoy! xx</p>
<p>When you have a moment, please do call round for a listen to my latest collaboration called Gonna Be Ok. A super song with Casper van Vulpen from the Netherlands. Think you will enjoy this!! xx Melsi</p>