Category: Radio Interview with BBC
<p>I wanted to share some good news with all my Mixposure friends! BBC Radio Gloucestershire interviewed me today, (my legs have only just stopped shaking). They were really keen to hear all about my collabs, especially You Loved My Way, the Country version that has been produced in Nashville. The original version of my collaboration with Diego is posted here. The Country one is the only song not posted here on Mix, but I think the time is right to post it soon.</p><p>The radio station thought the idea of musicians collaborating from all over the world was amazing, even more amazing the talent and songs that have been produced. The interview went on a bit as usual, I was Mrs Gasbag so may be split, but they are going to play You Loved My Way after the interview! YIPPEE. They are also hoping to play a selection of my collabs as background which I hope they will. I also mentioned Mix at every possible chance so I am not sure if they will edit out all the hundred mentions or not!! Thank you to all my wonderful collabs, without you ladies and gents, it would never have happened. Now I must put my sunglassses on, "The future looks bright", at least for today! x</p>