Category: New Song Collab, Melsi & Linda Marie Ponte
<p>Please call round and listen to my latest collab with Linda (Marie Ponte) called Little by Little. I wrote these words after watching an elderly lady sitting alone with her thoughts. She was staring at her outstretched hands and I thought the image looked really sad. I think Linda has captured this image in this beautiful song x</p>
<p>When you have a moment, please do call round and listen to my latest collab with the amazingly talented Linda (Marie Ponte), called Where I Lay My Head. I originally wrote these words for the Mixposure same song title madness a while ago and put them back in my folder unused, so was delighted that Linda felt inspired to work on them. I think her vocals are super, and she has turned this into a really catchy song! Thank you for your time, Melsi</p>