Psycho Sexy Michael
Psycho Sexy Michael

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Message Of A Christian Faith

By michaelstrat6966, 2012-08-19
Message Of A Christian Faith

<p>Jessica was twelve years old, and lived in a small town in the southern state of Mississippi. Jessica family was very poor, they had Pratley nothing, Jessica had two brothers, and one sister. Jessica dad would work very hard to provide his family with meals every day, and Jessica&lsquo;s mother worked very hard to cook the meals. Little Jessica wanted so bad to have more toys, and other stuff to play with, but Jessica&rsquo;s family just could not afford it. Jessica would get on her knees every night, and pray to Jesus, Dear Mr. Jesus could you please bless my dad, and mom, and my brothers, and my sisters with just a little more, thank you Jesus&nbsp; amen. In another city in the state of California, lived a boy named Sam. Sam was the same age as Jessica, Sam was also twelve. Sam was from a wealthy family unlike Jessica, but Sam&rsquo;s dad was very abusive. Sam&rsquo;s dad would get drunk, and beat the living shit out of him when he came home from work every day. Sam was an only child, and his mother died giving birth to him. Sam would get on his knees every night, and would pray to Jesus, Jesus please give me a soft heart, help my dad to find your love, please Jesus stop the endless pain, my dad feels thank you Jesus amen. My name is doctor Michael Stratton, I wanted to express a two sided coin scenario for you. On one side you have a poor little girl named Jessica, who would like more, and on the other side you have a rich boy named Sam who would like less. The two children have more in common then they can ever imagine. Less is more, and more is less, but they both cry out to Jesus.&nbsp; In good times, and bad times Jesus is going to be there for you, all you have to do is call out his holy name. He that asks shall receive, he who knocks, the door shall be opened. Life for me has not been easy, I have made so many damn mistakes, I have so much pain, and have beat my head angst the wall in frustration. I have had so many broken relationship, but I have one thing in common with Jessica, and Sam, I too cry out to Jesus at night. Saying &ldquo;Lord give me wisdom, put your angel&rsquo;s around me, my friends, and family. Bring healing to our hearts mind body, and soul. Forgive us our sins, you are my God, Lord, Savior, and King. Thank you Jesus Lord God amen.&rdquo;</p>

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