Rob Grant
Rob Grant
Rob Grant

From The Other Side

album: Starting Fresh
genre: Progressive Rock
streams: 50
creation date: 2023-08-13

  Song Information
One of my favorite songs. It was done around 2008. Gary Carciello - guitars, Nigel Potter - Vocals, Rob all else
From The Other Side
Eric Saitz
08/18/23 04:44:26PM @eric-saitz:
Sounding great Rob! Very laid-back vibe of a track. Some fantastic guitar work :) I really enjoyed.

Paul rainbird
08/17/23 08:34:05AM @paul-rainbird:
Really nice Rob
Farrell Jackson
08/16/23 11:47:20AM @farrell-jackson:
Wow, I haven't heard this one in a long time. Nigel's vocals make this extra special. You created a great backing track for everyone else to work from. Your bass work is extraordinary Rob! Gary did some cool guitar soloing. Good stuff fellas!
carol sue
08/14/23 09:23:15AM @carol-sue:
Ah, this is an epic, grand musical with a slice of DeJa'Vu' for me!
So good to hear all of your talents together again.
The year 2008 was just magical, wasn't it. ::encore::
Fine song and players~ I much enjoyed. *****

08/13/23 02:51:40PM @jerrywillard:
Wow this is a great collaboration! The music just cooked my headphones. This is the magic of collection the birth of a song. Everyone bring something unique to the track. 💯⚡⚡⚡
Rich Lodato
08/13/23 10:10:37AM @rich-lodato:
Ethereal lyrics “from the other side” I like that. The delay in the vocal adds just the right amount of ambience & those guitars are doing something lovely to bring that element into place. It all works a charm.


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