Rob Grant
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@wricky, 11/10/21 06:52:25AM
Just saying hello , I remember you from IMW some years ago and of course the Rayon Vert stuff ! I also, like you , did a collab or two with Mary Shan back around then as well. Great to see you man
Just saying hello , I remember you from IMW some years ago and of course the Rayon Vert stuff ! I also, like you , did a collab or two with Mary Shan back around then as well. Great to see you man
@Mel Hayler, 12/03/13 12:48:49PM
Hi Rob, Been trying to contact you for a long time! Created a new account here for just so I could find you! How are you?
Hi Rob, Been trying to contact you for a long time! Created a new account here for just so I could find you! How are you?
@BucTheGreat, 09/29/08 02:26:03PM
Hey Rob, Thought I would stop by and listen to some of your tunes. Sounds Great! Heck, ALL of your tracks are Quality Tunes! Don't be a stranger now. Take care, Brent.
Hey Rob, Thought I would stop by and listen to some of your tunes. Sounds Great! Heck, ALL of your tracks are Quality Tunes! Don't be a stranger now. Take care, Brent.
@BucTheGreat, 01/02/08 05:50:27PM
Thanks for your encouraging reviews, they mean a lot to me. Randal Pflum
Thanks for your encouraging reviews, they mean a lot to me. Randal Pflum
@BucTheGreat, 12/17/07 08:18:10PM
G'day mate cool stuff, thanks for listening to mine. I mainly play guitar and have taken up bass for my recordings,dunno how you play with just fingers and no pick.
keep on playing
G'day mate cool stuff, thanks for listening to mine. I mainly play guitar and have taken up bass for my recordings,dunno how you play with just fingers and no pick.
keep on playing
@BucTheGreat, 11/25/07 11:02:55AM
Hey Rob... hows it going? Man great stuff as usual. We need to get together and collab some again now that have a bit more friendly place to share the tunes with. Thanks for getting me to this site from where we were!!
Hey Rob... hows it going? Man great stuff as usual. We need to get together and collab some again now that have a bit more friendly place to share the tunes with. Thanks for getting me to this site from where we were!!
@BucTheGreat, 11/17/07 10:56:47AM
rob.. what are we going to do.. you got 19 great songs already.. more are overdo.. but there's only one upload left to you..
oh wait.. didn't we read we can upgrade to more if we need? well that's jolly good indeed.. i really need to hear more of your breed.. you know.. STUDLY STEED..
rob.. what are we going to do.. you got 19 great songs already.. more are overdo.. but there's only one upload left to you..

@BucTheGreat, 11/07/07 11:38:21PM
Hi Rob,
Congratulations with your site and excellent music!
Best wishes and regards,
Hi Rob,
Congratulations with your site and excellent music!
Best wishes and regards,
@BucTheGreat, 10/31/07 08:50:35PM
Hey Rob, I too am happy our paths crossed, ain't music a great thing!
I tried to sigh on as a fan but it wasn't working.
i just want to tell you I'm really into your writing style and enjoy listening.
So I'm gonna drop in regularly on your page and check for new stuff.
Rock on
Hey Rob, I too am happy our paths crossed, ain't music a great thing!
I tried to sigh on as a fan but it wasn't working.
i just want to tell you I'm really into your writing style and enjoy listening.
So I'm gonna drop in regularly on your page and check for new stuff.
Rock on