Rob Grant
Rob Grant
Rob Grant

Adapt and Overcome

album: Starting Fresh
genre: ROCK
streams: 47
creation date: 2023-11-21

  Song Information
This is the first song I wrote, after getting back into music in 2006. It's also the first collab I ever did. Mel Hayler played all keyboards. I played and...
Adapt and Overcome
Rob Grant
12/02/23 10:11:33AM @rob-grant:
Thanks, Moe!!! Nice chatting at the Radio Show, the other night :-)
Rob Grant
12/02/23 10:10:01AM @rob-grant:
Fun song Mel....I believe it was done before I knew anything about my Ableton software and click tracks. You worked that all out...Genius man!!
11/28/23 08:12:40PM @moequinn:
lyrics so very we get older...& things day to in the moment...years ago, I had a bucket longer.... values & expectations change as we grow older.... appreciate your life, friends...stay positive...a few of my joys in life are my friends, nature, music....surround yourself in what gives you joy & happiness
Mel Hayler
11/28/23 05:52:00PM @mel-hayler:
2006... Where did the time go? The words are so apt! its a beautiful song and I'm honoured to have played on this version. Love you man! Mel


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