Rob Grant
Rob Grant
Rob Grant

Don't Have A Meltdown Bowes, Hayler, Grant

album: Starting Fresh
genre: ROCK
streams: 31
creation date: 2024-06-12

  Song Information
New Mix posted 6-14-24 Ron Bowes - Lyrics, vocals, harmonica Mel Hayler - Mix, engineering, organ,lead guitar Rob Grant - Rhythm guitar, bass, drum...
Don't Have A Meltdown  Bowes, Hayler, Grant
Farrell Jackson
07/30/24 05:54:27PM @farrell-jackson:
What no reviews yet????? Let me remedy that right now. Some fine vocals and harmonica by Ron Bowes and the keys and guitar lead work by Mel is very tasty. Rob, the bass is in the groove and in locked step with the drums. The rhythm guitar mix is sitting right where it's supposed to be. Nice work guys!


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