
Sweet Dreams (a Eurythmics cover)

album: NA
genre: Alternative Rock
streams: 49
creation date: 2024-10-30

  Song Information
Haven't done a cover in a while. Thought I'd have a bash at this one!
Sweet Dreams (a Eurythmics cover)
11/17/24 06:31:58AM @ronbowes:
Thanks @elh and @paul-rainbird it's appreciated ;-)
Paul rainbird
11/13/24 04:09:05AM @paul-rainbird:
I enjoyed your take on this song the distorted vocal is very effective excellent job Ron
11/08/24 11:25:04AM @elh:
A very original take on a classic song. You made it all yours Ron!
Really enjoyed

11/03/24 06:19:59AM @ronbowes:
Thank ya kindly @farrell-jackson @lodato and @tony-cee ;-)
Farrell Jackson
11/01/24 11:15:47AM @farrell-jackson:
I see you've put on your creative hat and made this classic hit all yours. And you did a great job of it Cuz! Great use of distortion on the vocal and guitars.
Rich Lodato
10/31/24 03:56:42PM @rich-lodato:
RonBo, this is an awesome cover! I love the arrangement and the way you really punched out that vocal!
tony cee
10/31/24 03:01:52PM @tony-cee:
great cover ron superb listen .......cheers tony cee


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