Shifter Sisters
Shifter Sisters
Shifter Sisters

Indian Summer

album: Enjoy
genre: pop ballad
streams: 40
creation date: 2023-04-21

  Song Lyrics
Indian Summer   When Indian summer arrives And foliage gets tinted alive When the trees do adorn Like to go on a ball When mother nature wraps up warm And...
Indian Summer
Gary Dabrowski
04/22/23 12:55:22PM @gary-dabrowski:
a lovely and soothing tune Melani...I enjoy it muchly!...your vocal along with the acoustic guitar and flute fit it well...
Melani Cholie
04/21/23 03:33:22PM @melani-cholie:
love this song and instrumental! Even if I hope now FIRST for summer and after indian summer, lol....its soo cold still in our area. Great song and my huge like!!


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