Silver Nightmares
Silver Nightmares
Silver Nightmares


album: Apocalypsis
genre: Progressive metal
streams: 10
creation date: 2024-03-31

  Song Lyrics
NEFERTITI (TESTO) Pietre e sangue Il sole cocente sulla mia pelle le corde stridono con un rumore acuto Accompagnato dal suono della frusta la mia pelle...
  Song Information
Regina Nefertiti
Silver Noghtmares Band
04/06/24 09:19:42AM @silver-nightmares-band:
im liking Nefertiti a lot type of track i’d play in the dark with candles lit the music is lush

Thanks! We’re happy you liked it!

04/06/24 09:15:33AM @mizieya:
im liking Nefertiti a lot type of track i’d play in the dark with candles lit the music is lush


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