Tedd-Z - Brainplant
Steampunk album
Hi, all.
Those who have been tuning in to Aardvark Express and Doug Dickens Showcase of Independant Artists on Mixstream Radio will know that I have a new Brainplant album out by the name of Steampunk. I held contests on both shows to win codes for free downloads of the album. Well done to the winners, who were True Vulgarians, Maureen Quinn, Lyrical Princess, Yvonne Jay, Carmella and Toni.
For those who missed it, you can buy the full album at my Bandcamp page (just click the link) for just £7 ($10).
Thanks, LP.
Yeah, I went to congratulate Moe, but your PM box jumped in front of his as I was about to do it, so I ended up accidentally calling you Moe. Still, hope you like the album.
I was so excited to get lucky that night.. That was fun... Even through all of the confusion with Moe. I think that added to the excitement.. Lol ~ Thanks again for the album