Well hello,<br /> I haven't been around much lately as I have been dealing with a parade of people comin thru my house, hoping someone will buy it.<br />And packing up all my stuff for the move to Connecticut,kinda making this up as i go so don't know how it will turn out when I get there,just goin. Hey I have done lots of stupid crap before and still rollin... ya know we all do. sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do...<br />So at anytime here I will be offline for a while till I get set up again,someday....<br /> and when I do I am looking forword to hearing some great new music from all of you... thanks to all of you for your friendship here.. and stay worry free....<br /> later down,<br /> Will ~~>
so i guess now we have another reason when we wake up every day to be thankful we are still here and not sucked down into a black hole or annoyed by strangelets,well i am always annoyed by strangelets,aren't you....hope we know what we are doin,I kinda like the earth.<br /> thank you all for stoppin by,glad to have another day with you.<br /> i wrote this song last week on the day they fired it up,thinkin this could be my last song...hope not."Ain't no turnin back " click the link to see the video.<br /> later down an worry free...<br /> <a href="http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=42801398">http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=42801398</a>
I just wanted to thank you all for stoppin by with your nice comments on "I know trouble" and all my songs ,videos,means a lot to me...<br /> this place rocks,iffen you axe me...<br /> later down an worry free...<br /> Will ~~~>
<p>well according to the MRI and my doctor so ,I know a lot of you will have a hard time believing this but his exact words where that "I have a normal brain"...yep caught me off guard too..<br />so I'll be around,<br />have a great day...<br />later down an worry free...<br />Will ~~~><a href="http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=22561475"><strong><span style="font-size: x-small; color: #003399;">Check out this video: Man Alive-Will Carroll</span></strong></a><br /> on willcarroll.net and thanks to you all for your friendship...</p>
<p> now I got some drinkin to catch up on....</p>
<p>Well hello and just want to say it's a pleasure to still be here.<br />lots of great music and artists and glad to still be part of it,you bet...</p>
<p>I'll be around so have a great day MiX-heads...<br />later down an worry free~~><br /> Will</p>
<p><span style="font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif;">man what a brutal day it was it was...<br />so I don't get much puter time these days,but I wanted to stop by and say have a great weekend everyone and well I am just a little homesick these days...and I ran across this article bout a place I used to hang <a href="http://pages.cthome.net/rwinkler/steeprock.htm">http://pages.cthome.net/rwinkler/steeprock.htm</a> and well ,Don't get me wrong,I love texas as i have been hangin here for 20 yrs.,very cool, but man for a lot of reasons I have to get home now.<br /> I wrote the song Steep rock bout this place i grew up and miss...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_-OSoE0C5M</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;"> okay that's enough, sorry didn't mean to slobber on all of ya.<br /> hey all of ya have a great weekend ...<br /> later down an worry free...~~><br /> Will</span></p>
<p>Well I wanted to first thank Inge for playing my song "New dark ages " on her radio show and then all of you here for stoppin by and your friendship on this very friendly site,isn't it...very cool of all of you.this is where I come lately to listen to great music so I'll be around when i can.Music can help "Heal the earth".</p>
<p> I am workin on a song today that I was asked to do "All we need is love" helpin out a worthwhile childrens charity.it will be up on myspace and you might hear it on the BBC.check out my comments there for info,<br /> and you all try and have a great day,gonna try and check in tonight,hope i am still somewhat sober by then,what are the odds of that...lol,</p>
<p> later down an worry free...Will</p>