album: Zee Zzaj Zinger
genre: Alternative
streams: 188
creation date: 2008-07-10
purchase: mp3, 6MB, 00:04:21
genre: Alternative
streams: 188
creation date: 2008-07-10
purchase: mp3, 6MB, 00:04:21
Really cool song I like the ascending guitar peppering going on there. When I think of olympia I definitely don't think of this kind of music so very cool surprise.
Excellent!! Funk/Cajun....That is one blood pumpin' groove. So original/different in a very good way. The bass solidifies it all. Crazy guitar fret-work! Oh yeah..I enjoyed this much!!
Agree with previous, this track just OOZES cool. That groove never quits, and your treatment of it is extremely original and interesting. Nicely performed and recorded. GREAT track. Thanks for sharing!
Mam zzaj, this is as original as original is. Loving the groove and you know I'm a huge on grooves. Love the way everything fits in the mix, just perfect. Nothing in your face but nothing less than pristine. Bravo my friend !
~ Gabriel
Got a ROCK'N kick n feel and the bass rip'N 'round with the wandering vocals and up and down guitar trackZ states the theme concept protrayed...like the under constant bounce ambiance beat loop that all the voicings and loops R working off...the bass warbles it 2gether very well and the strangeness is Xciting as is all rotcod soundscapes...Hey I heard U moved from Olympia 2 Hawaii...WOW 14 inches of snow here 2 day N Snohomish(Seattle)...bet yer kinda glad yer there now...ThanX 4 the listN, Merry Xmas...~Austn
Nice movin tune...real nice guitar work...certainly a different sound....which always works for me!
Groooovvveey. How neat was that? Unique concept, intriguing sounds and a funky monotone drum pattern. Really interesting, indeed - don't hear songs like that every day! Something you can be proud of!
Great 2 Hear U again "Mr" Rotcod "Mc" Zzaj...how's my Olympian Buddy doin'...awesome sonic BeatZ with drastic off punches with the random sonic MplantZ tweak'n 'round the vocal colorationZ...wild ride this Ntriging "unique" BlendZ of sonic texure laid down 'round those heavy beatZ...very punchy, heavy ambiance mood set piece and the woven guitar riff and lix R hold'N it all 2gether without even being noticed...sweet layering and production work...I see yer still a perfectionist at your statement art pieces...ThanX 4 the listen and sharing your talent, I', always amazed and delighted...~Austn
Excellent production...........fer sure. The vox is most interesting... !Cool bass work...with some excellent guitar work.This tune jams right along....very cool !!!
Zzaj and Mixposure together again! "Mark My Words", this is the beginning of something huge. Good to "see" and hear you once again, my friend. Bring on the rest of your 10,000 songs - they'll make room for you!
Another excellent collab
I think you are one of the most free minded composers I know.
You never predecide or limit yourself,always exploring.
This flows along effortlessly,reminds of the huge jams Hawkwind used to do live on stage,often magic comes about that you cannot design,playing that way.
Again,completely compelling piece.
It's always a treat to hear your work with Mark Kissinger. You both are such inventive improv players and you have developed with intricate vibe together that really works! Mark's guitar here is exceptional and the hippie-scat vocal is surprising and perfect. Great call. Love the song!
Well now.. is this ever a treat. Someone using the voice as an instrument!!!! and that voice just flys around like a hawk looking for prey.. how freakin cool is that!!!
The backing track is just the ultimate is superchunkfunk! The guitars just weave thier way through everything like a needle and thread.. stitching this incredible tapestry of tone and sound. Welcome aboard the new Mix.. i will be listening.. intently!!!
very cool groove...and the lead guitar thing reminds me SO much of a guitarist here named rapster. The vocal definitely adds a great vibe to this semi-funk strut sort of thing. It IS different and find myself being hypnotized by it. Anyway zzaj ...solid piece with a different angle..and that's good!!! ~Blake
Kinda a rockin' club scene, punk, prog., psychedilic, trippy, hiphoppin rock, consuming the atmosphere like the lateral thinking of William Buroughs in music, the bass is trying to fo it's thing while trying to be linear, -quite experimental 'brave' music, very original, Up the bass is about all, drummer lookin withdarwn but still in focus, very hip & hipnotic, narcotic state of well-beating, -whoaa what an atmosphere, no punk police around muxt have altered my senses so well, it's ultra cool...love this ZZAJ.
Super stuff...unique is understated, -Your good amigo & always your fan. -Vesa.
Foot tappingly infectious from the start...eheheee...Enjoying this rocky, bluesy, razza-ma-tazz....whaaaa, whaaaa...ehehe...Love the "vocal".... and yes, that guitar does sound a little like rapster...eheheee...A very different listen....Loved it...
Peace n love mags