As per usua, I've been off on (yet) another TANGENT... hope you'll all visit us <a href="http://www.reverbnation.com/label/zzajproductions">HERE</a>... this will be like the "HUB" for Zzaj Productions! Please help us RACK up some HITS!<br /><br />Also - for those who dig my magazine, IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION, the latest issue has been posted - <a href="http://zzaj.freehostia.com/zzaj89.htm">Issue #89</a><br /><br />'s all fer' now volkz... Zzaj OUT!
<div style="text-align: left;">I've been writing this music/review/commentary 'zine since about 1990. This issue has over 21 music reviews, an INTERVIEW with "RAPSTER", and a "rant" by me. Hope you'll spread the word to ALL you KNOW who are interested in such reading. It's at:<br /><br /><a href="http://zzaj.freehostia.com/zzaj88.htm">http://zzaj.freehostia.com/zzaj88.htm</a></div>
Zzaj now has a FACEBOOK page, too... you can view it by visiting <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rotcod-Zzaj/46429413343" target="_blank" title="HERE">HERE</a>! I hope you'll spread the word to others you know who are already on FACEBOOK, too!<br /><br />Would appreciate it if you could visit my page & sign up as a FAN, please, at: <br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rotcod-Zzaj/46429413343?ref=share" target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rotcod-Zzaj/46429413343?ref=share</a> <br /> <br /> It WILL be the same tunes you've listened to on SC, MIX, etc., but your signing up as a fan would help me a great deal! <br /> <br /> My thanks in advance!
Hope you all will stop by & listen to the fantastic INTERVIEWS done by Jim's Artificial Earth - of course, that IS a hint that I think you might find the one he just did (posted yesterday) might be interesting to you!<br /><br />It's on the MAIN PAGE (down the LEFT-hand side), or <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Mixposure_Interviews/music.php" title="HERE">HERE</a>!<br />
The LATEST issue of IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION (#87) is available by clicking <a href="http://zzaj.freehostia.com/zzaj87.htm" target="_blank" title="IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION #87">HERE</a>! We've been reviewing music since 1988 (or so), & "officially" started the 'zine in 1990... you'll find a wealth of material on independent artists there.<br /><br />Would ask that you (especially MIX artists) submit your material for review to us at:<br /><br />Zzaj Productions, c/o Dick Metcalf<br />5308 65th Avenue SE<br />Lacey, WA 98513<br /><br />NOTE: If you have POETRY you'd like to be included, please EMAIL us at zzajunique@hotmail.com We do NOT take poetry in print any longer, only in digits!
In the spirit of a FRESH NEW year, and the HOPE that's offered (we believe) by changes in the nation's capital, wanted to make sure we give you the information you need to share in (an even dozen) PODCAST adventures at <a href="http://rotcod.podomatic.com/">Dick's PODCAST</a>! <br /><br />The music ranges all the way from "out" to "totally accessible", & I think you're bound to find something that satisfies your ear... captures at least 3 (free) tracks from 12 Zzaj albums!<br /><br />& (before I forget), a most HAPPY and HOPEFUL 2009 to all here at MIX!
The LATEST issue of IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION (#86) is available by clicking <a href="http://zzaj.freehostia.com/zzaj86.htm" target="_blank" title="IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION #86">HERE</a>! We've been reviewing music since 1988 (or so), & "officially" started the 'zine in 1990... you'll find a wealth of material on independent artists there.<br /><br />Would ask that you (especially MIX artists) submit your material for review to us at:<br /><br />Zzaj Productions, c/o Dick Metcalf<br />5308 65th Avenue SE<br />Lacey, WA 98513<br /><br />NOTE: If you have POETRY you'd like to be included, please EMAIL us at zzajunique@hotmail.com We do NOT take poetry in print any longer, only in digits!
I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but this year we only got (just) a few downloads at our <a href="http://www.archive.org/details/zzaj">Zzaj Internet Archive</a> - this effort is to ensure that Indie artists get the chance to hear something "different", as well as to preserve some of the music we've played.<br /><br />There are 3 FULL CD's worth of material available, as well as all the CD art, for download... the only thing it'll cost you is the time spent to download the material.<br /><br />We hope you'll visit & spread the word far/wide to anyone you know who digs music full of freedom & without restriction!<br /><br />Thanks!