
Category: Zzaj Music Store

Yet ANOTHER site...

By zzaj, 2009-03-19

As per usua, I've been off on (yet) another TANGENT... hope you'll all visit us <a href="http://www.reverbnation.com/label/zzajproductions">HERE</a>... this will be like the "HUB" for Zzaj Productions!&nbsp; Please help us RACK up some HITS!<br /><br />Also - for those who dig my magazine, IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION, the latest issue has been posted - <a href="http://zzaj.freehostia.com/zzaj89.htm">Issue #89</a><br /><br />'s all fer' now volkz... Zzaj OUT!

HOPE you'll visit our STORE!!!

By zzaj, 2008-12-23

I offer "free" music all OVER the web (&amp; don't have ANY problem doing so)... but were you aware that the unique music you hear on my uploads is ALSO available for purchase?&nbsp; We offer these CD's at very low cost in our <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/zzaj/store.php" target="_blank" title="Zzaj MIX-Store">MIX-STORE</a>... EACH product is hand-packed and quality-checked by US before it gets shipped to you.<br /><br />Sincerely hope you'll visit the store and purchase a CD (or 2) for yourself or a friend... your support is what has kept my musical efforts going for all these years (basically since 1978 or so).<br /><br />Also would hope that you'll spread the word to other music lovers who want to hear something "different"... THAT I can GUARANTEE you... Zzajmusique is NOT "run of the mill".<br /><br />Thanks!<br /><br />bro'Zzaj


By zzaj, 2008-07-16

<p>We truly hope you'll visit our Zzaj "<a href="http://www.mixposure.com/zzaj/store.php">STORE</a>".&nbsp; Our CD's are home-produced, meaning that you're not paying a middle man a whole lot of extra $$$, plus each CD is fully tested prior to shipment (from our home studio).</p>
<p>Over the next few weeks, we will be making sure that a couple of .mp3 files are posted from each of the CD's in the Zzaj store, so you can hear what you're getting before you order it.</p>
<p>If you're looking for something "different" as a gift to a musically inclined friend, we can surely qualify in that arena.&nbsp; Please help us spread the word, too, by passing on our link to anyone you think may be interested.</p>