Many of you here know me from Kyle's original MIX site. I did a LOT of reviewing there!
Above all else, what we've always hoped comes through in our music is a sense that if you maintain your sense of INDEPENDENCE, you can make just about anything happen that you want... more as it happens!
Rotcod Zzaj grew outta' th' fermentation that wuz' th' '60's; alla' th' "hex"periences from those times that yer' could possibly imagine (both sweet & sour) were what created his attitudes towards music & th' playing thereof.
Th' name is (as you prob'ly awready recognize) a perversion of "Doctor Jazz"; buncha' doodz' in th' early '80's started tellin' this Zzaj that hiz music wuz TRULY TWISTED, a form of BACKWARDS jazz, ergo th' name!
Tho' Zzaj haz attached th' moniker of (irr)Reverend to his nick, there's no "cosmic mystic crapola" involved... th' premise of ALL Zzaj Productions (tapes, CD's, a 20 page paper 'zine, & a chap or two) izzat' music & art BELONG to th' PEOPLE! NOT to some self-assigned "guardians" of our morality (if we're IMmoral - we need to FIX it ourSELVES, right?)... ...or some PRIEST of the PROPER, who tells hiz flock what to wear, what to eat, what to breathe - who to BE! Well, ya' won't find ANY o' that krap at ZP! Plain & simple, we're about music that the PEOPLE produce, whether for themselves, just for friends, or perhaps for radioplay... what- EVER... ya' got it, send it to US for review & comment!
We ALSO need ALL of your D.I.Y. material - tapes/CD's/vinyl/7"'s... &, DESPITE the (slightly misleading) TITLE - we want ALL genres! I don't care WHAT form it takes (or doesn't) - AS LONG as the ENERGY is there... a TRUE LOVE of playing is what gets your music a rave review here. (Virtually) ALL musical material sent in is reviewed! We also take S-H-O-R-T poems (NO heartz&flowerz pleez!!!), in PARTICULATE stuff that is (after ANY fashion) related to MUSIC!!!
LET US HEAR you (& from you) at the snail (or e-mail) below:
Rotcod Zzaj
SNAIL: 5308 65th Avenue SE, Lacey, WA 98513
Email: zzajunique@hotmail.com