HOPE you'll visit our STORE!!!
I offer "free" music all OVER the web (& don't have ANY problem doing so)... but were you aware that the unique music you hear on my uploads is ALSO available for purchase? We offer these CD's at very low cost in our <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/zzaj/store.php" target="_blank" title="Zzaj MIX-Store">MIX-STORE</a>... EACH product is hand-packed and quality-checked by US before it gets shipped to you.<br /><br />Sincerely hope you'll visit the store and purchase a CD (or 2) for yourself or a friend... your support is what has kept my musical efforts going for all these years (basically since 1978 or so).<br /><br />Also would hope that you'll spread the word to other music lovers who want to hear something "different"... THAT I can GUARANTEE you... Zzajmusique is NOT "run of the mill".<br /><br />Thanks!<br /><br />bro'Zzaj