The "spirit" of MIXPOSURE (as I see it, anyway)
<p>I was with the original MIX nearly since it started. One of the main reasons I "jumped on with both feet" is because the atmosphere being promoted there was one of friendliness in the review community. "Management" often got involved when someone was posting reviews that were not "constructive" or "helpful".</p>
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<p>Some recent reviews on the re-born MIXPOSURE highlight the fact that some folks (whether it be jealousy or just a "spiteful" nature) don't understand what "helpful" means. What it does NOT mean is to say things like "all your stuff is crappy". Fortunately, the ADMINS in this new iteration have put in place some tools (under PROFILE) for the individual musician to remove such reviews. That is NICE to KNOW (because I didn't until I asked, & then was given very prompt and accurate instruction on how to remove truly offensive reviews or comments).</p>
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<p>I'm not an advocate of removing all negative criticism, only the stuff that is clearly intended to hurt or "maim the spirit". So I believe this tool should be used with caution... BUT, I do believe it should be used. I think it's very important to this great revived community to keep the "spirit of MIXPOSURE" alive and well, and one of the best ways to do that is to avoid "flaming" some idiot whose whole intention was/is to "push your buttons"... that's what they want - for YOU to descend to their level of hatefulness anyway.</p>
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<p>& in that spirit, this blog is offered up. I've always been about HELPING the INDIE musician... for those who don't understand that I have but one thing to say. "May you rest in piece(s)"!!!</p>
There is no question that your view is the benchmark here Zzaj. If I can't find any way to suggest an idea to improve a persons work who I know is trying and probably new at it, I just give them a little time and listen later as their work progresses. Then I can comment on the improvement. Mixposure is a great site because the community here by and large are very kind and considerate people who really want to show their stuff and get the feedback. And occasionally from some who they feel are qualified to give an opinion that they can utilize to improve the work. I know that I have taken several suggestions I've received here to heart and forward into the studio. The people who gave me the advice were in several cases dead on and made me look at the work from a different viewpoint. I think that can only help if it's thoughtful and sincere. This site makes it easy to be an indy music fan.
Well said my friend,
Reviews should be honest, and at times, even critical, but never derogitory.
And..reviews are only our own opinion.
I'm with you all the way on this zzaj. This is one of the main reasons I call MIXPO home.
I don't feel ANYONE's music sucks or anything as silly as that. Musicians put their heart and soul into every piece of music they write. It's all good !!!!!
Agree with what you have posted, Dick. In particular, I agree with the comment that we shouldn't let those who try to flame get us uptight. I personally believe that there is room on sites like mixposure for CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. But hurtful, self-promoting criticism is not what it's about.
Too often on the old mixposure we gave oxygen to cretins who just wanted to tear down the fabric that the site and the members had woven. In doing so we merely assisted those that we railed against.
Personally, I'd like to see a bit more "constructive criticism" in here. But others don't and that's a whole different issue. In my view, how each individual reviews another artist is for that individual to decide. Unless, of course it is mindless slagging of the creative work of another, in which case in my view it has no place.
Really appreciate all your feeback on this issue/blog. Want to make sure I'm clear on one thing, though... since we (musicians as a group) tend to have pretty strong egos, I DO THINK it's important to take helpful criticism and WORK WITH IT to improve what we're creating.
It's a pretty "fine line" I think... but since the new MIX give us the capability to remove comments that we don't believe are appropriate, we CAN do something about those jokers who LIVE to criticize negatively!
Awesome blog and thoughts zzaj. There never was, is or ever will be a reason to cut down anyone here for making music. ~Blake
There is no room for "your music sucks" or anything similar. If that is someones take on the music, just walk away unless of course your name is Simon Cowell or something similar and you can back up your credentials. To my knowledge we have no A&R members here
When it comes to reviews I try and stay positive. For some this is a profession and it shows in the quality of music. For others, like myself, this is a hobby and we are not experts. At times I hear something that sounds less than average but with a better mix, might surprise the artist. That is when I mention Kent aka VenueStudio and suggest asking him for a remix.
That Edit Comment button comes in handy
Thanks guys. I knew you (& probably others) would agree.
My view is that ANY artist (& especially those who pay increased membership fees) is allowed to post ANYTHING they have for folks to listen to and/or critique. For someone to come in & (just) say "everything is crappy" is not appropriate... if they say "this is crap, here's why, & here's how I think you could make this better", then that IS an appropriate comment, & should NOT BE REMOVED.
Those who just use those blanket statements should not be considered part of the "community"... they are DANGEROUS to the INDIE movement, and (once again, in my view) SHOULD BE REMOVED, as their comments are worth nothing to anyone.
We all saw some rather serious flaming at the old MIX site, and the way Dazed has set this new site up places the burden on the INDIVIDUAL ARTIST to make their own judgment about what's right & what's not... so, recommend that we use that ability carefully but with the intent to GET RID of those who are mean-spirited, foul mouthed or otherwise less than helpful!!!
With you 100 percent mate.
Yes indeedy; very well said Zzaj. Thanks for speaking your feelings out.
-Your friend always. -Vesa.