Some of you may already be familiar with our world-renowned Zzaj Interviews, others won't know much about them. Ergo, this blog; to let you know many of those we've interviewed & give you direct links to their INTERVIEW:
Well-known INDIE player familiar to many on MIX
INDIE label owner and promoter from Detroit area
FANTASTIC jazz guitarist from California area
KRA-ZEE improvisor from Canada
Issue #79 - Chris Fellure (Blast My Music)
Owner of BLAST MY MUSIC, a great place to sell your .mp3 songs
Well-known INDIE player familiar to many on MIX
SUPERB jazz guitarist from US
Well-known INDIE player familiar to many on MIX
LONG-time INDIE producer from my old home-taper network days
LONG-time INDIE musician from the original home-producer network
Issue #73 - Maria Daines & Paul Killington
Well-known INDIE players familiar to many on MIX!
I'm only posting the last TEN interviews in this blog, but we have interviews in most all issues from the start. To see a listing of all those historical issues, please visit the IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION Archive page.
Hope you enjoy these & will spread the word to your friends... as you well know, it's VERY important to tell others, as most INDIE efforts are promoted that way (the "BIG PRESS" certainly isn't interested in helping to promote INDIE artists, as it doesn't fit their "cookie-cutter" approach!
Loved the interview with RedeyeC. Need to read the
other ones. Keep up the good work!
Blake - well, I'll have to be the first to admit that I've an "ulterior motive" for "supporting your stuff"... MY stuff! Ha! Ha! But, yes, the 'zine has been a "labor of love" for INDIE in general & jazz/improv in specific. I just think it's (nearly) CRIMINAL that so many GR8 players are in places like this & "undiscovered" by the "BIG GUYS"... there's no doubt in my mind that sites like MIXPOSURE are just as important an element of "freedom" as any other initiatives the politicians (may) have undertaken. In my jaded view, that's EXACTLY what the politicians are AFRAID OF... that if "we" make it, there won't be any need for THEM any longer!
zzaj....man you just support our stuff like no one else. The more I learn the more i realize how real you are. Thanks for supporting and being so active for us all. ~Blake
yes dr. jazz i dug on that interview with bobby.. he's awesome..
Jim - there are about 9 more interviews (if you open up the whole blog). Also several more if you go to the 'zine ARCHIVE index... I'm also in the process of lining up interviews with several more MIXPOSURE volkz!