Same Song Title Madness
Anyone up for a Same Song Title Madness for February?
Maybe I should post what it is for the new members lol.
OK here is how it works. We start a forum thread where everyone can submit viable song titles. After a week or so we compile some of the titles and vote for a winner. Once that is decided, we try and take 4-6 weeks to allow everyone to create a new song with that as the title.
The song can be any genre you like. Vocals are not mandatory but obviously help sell the same song title theme a little better lol. We then set a due date and everyone uploads their song on the same day. What we end up with is a bunch of songs based on the same theme in different styles. It is interesting how everyone interprets the song title.
Please post if you have questions!
I have added a thread in the Forum for this. Please post your song titles HERE .
"Used To Love My Old Lady 'Till We Had To Shoot The Dog"
Well ok,since everybody asked !
The other two great lies are:
* "I'll love you forever."
* "No, I won't &^%$ in your mouth !"
Let's see ... February means "President's Day", which typically means "car sales ... hmmmmm, how about some good, old-fashioned car tunes for the February madness?! A beep-beep!
Watch it KOR,you know that "check's in the mail"
is one of the three great lies....
I know everyone is familiar with the other two
great lies !
This sounds interesting and fun to me. Here's some suggested titles off the top of my head. Blue cows, Plastic dollars, My P.C., Cut The Crap. LOL, just a few but it does sound like a good way to kick start the new songwriting year.
checks in the mail
Hey,thanks brother,
I personally have been sick since the '60's,
and PYRAMIS as a whole is definitely a bunch of sick puppies !
We wouldn't have it any other way.