Mixposure Interview on I Am Entertainment (IAE) Magazine
<p>Mixposure would like to thank I Am Entertainment (IAE) Magazine for interviewing us for their August Issue. You can read the online version here - <a href=""></a> . You can do a search in the lower left for Mixposure to get to the interview of Mike K and I. A big thanks to Mike K and IAE!</p><p>Dazed</p><p> </p><p><img src="" alt="" width="436" height="567" /></p>
Excellent article!
VERY COOL, GUYS!!!! You really summed up the site, just as I have seen it. From the outside in, it's been amazing watching the growth of MIX, as well.
Awesome, it wud of been cool if u cud of sneaked the dj shedule i there somewhere
Great Exposure
Ehis is soooooooo....very cool !! AWESOME
WTG!! Mixposure.
Absolutely incredible. Who woulda thunk just a few years back. WTG Todd and Mike !!!!!
Thanks, everyone. Got to take the opportunity when it knocks. And it knocked!