Just a slight Bug
<p>Well I thought the Flash Players were working great. Then Asysha63 had to tell me she found a bug and squash my hopes
. Good catch Asysha and thanks! I made a slight code change on the player and the links appear to be working now. I have updated the code on the artist pages. </p>The problem she found was that the links to the artist pages were not working. We fixed it for most sites however MySpace recently made a change disabling all links in Flash Players unless you pay them for licensing. So the links will not work there obviously! If you have posted the player on a site and the links to your artist page do not work, try testing the new code out from your artist page. If the links still do not work, just add a link below the player to your site by using the html format. <p>I have tested the player out on a few sites with no problems. Ashya had a problem with the new code on another site she uses. We did the workaround with the link below the player. If you have problems, please let me know. It is impossible for me to test every site that is out there so I need your help! Remember these players are more for MySpace, TagWorld, Facebook, Band WebSite etc. For forums use the individual song links supplied from your artist page!</p><p>Thanks, </p><p>Dazed</p><p> </p>
hey william!
you cant get the flash player on your page working? if it does not work, upgrade flash. it should not play in winamp. let me know!
ok I am assuming that everyone is doing ok on this lol.
The flash player wont flash me.. ?? hehehe no, but it wont play for me.. but i can get songs to play on winamp... It kicks the Lammas ****!